
Is serving harder for short people?

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cuz i think im pretty strong but my serves always go into the net




  1. surprise surprise, I have found that shorter people have more powerful serves. the trick is to just get your hand in the right place when you contact the ball. toss ball, take a step with your left foot, DON"T FORGET TO ARCH YOUR BACK and contact the ball.

  2. Well actually it depends...Some small people can do it really good it depends on how hiogh they jump..and there size.. im pretty small but still growing but i can serve it over the net..if you are small just practice jumping.. like put some tape on the wall  and  make it so each one is higher then trie to touch each of them.. thats what i did and now i can jump the highest on te team.. but im the shortest so just practice jumping..

  3. i'm pretty tall, but i think that like some people have ugly faces or big feet, some people have bad serves. like me. because one of my buddies is like, half my size and serves better than i do. well, most people do.

  4. Not really, depends on what serve u are using. If you are using tennis serve, it should not be a problem, because everyone who plays volleyball should be able to get it over. Float serve would also be easy for short people, even jump float is not really a problem, since jump float is about timing mostly.

    The hardest one would be jump spike. Is very hard for short people to get it over, as it would need both timing and height, meant short people can get the timing, but then height would be a problem because the serve is like spiking.

    Hope this helps

  5. NO!!! i have a friend that is pretty short... but she is a great volleyball player. It depends all about the arm strength though.

  6. i am only 5ft and i serve way over the net its about power and using the right teqnique (or however you spell it) hope this helps

  7. no way!! some of the best servers are short.. you just need a higher toss.. im 5'2" and im the second best server on our club team.. our best server is 4'11" so i don't think height has anything to do with it because our 5'8" player can't serve worth c**p.. once again try a higher toss..

  8. I'm 5'4 and rarely netted on serves-for me I think it was arm extension and swing that made the difference. I am assuming you are talking about overhand serves. One suggestion is to raise the net and work on getting your serves over that, then when you are back to your regulation net you'll have no problems. Good luck and keep practicing!

  9. serving isn't harder for shorter people. mayb bcuz ur arms aren't as long, but if u jump, ur serve will probably go over

  10. long as they have the power and height in their serve, it should go over and be easy!

  11. im 5'0 and i can get the ball over the net.

    just work on ur form, and practice alot and you will get it over.

    (and also im pretty skinny.. im around 90 lbs)

    be more confident and dont be intimidated.

    just impress everyone and kick *** like i always do =)

  12. Definitely not!!! Short people can play better than tall people (because we're not awkward and gangly).You just need the proper technique. Toss up with two hands, step with opposite foot, and a HIGH toss. Contact the ball at its highest and get on top of it for top spin. Good luck!

  13. teammate is so small shes libero and she serves better then me (5'7)..just ask your coac hwhat you need to work on to get it over...power is one of many things in the process of serving

  14. no its arm power not height

  15. height doesn't have alot to do with serving.  once you get the hang of serving, then you will get them over every time.    

    ps im 5 11 and have had trouble with my serve and a girl on my team who is 5 2 was able to serve well from the beginning

  16. yes midgets have it tough

  17. its gravity ( short) tall  leverage) that is at play here . neither is better  , like reading  a manulla keep yourself in balance by staying true to your self , as both side will be in balance with the whole  circle .  

    you will have to use the higher  arch with a lower center of gravity ( short skaters have a lower sence of gravity and appear to be better skaters) .keep in balance with the whole of your self  , in essence thats what you are .

  18. dont listent tot hem they dont know. im 4'11 and it is sooo ahrd becuase i hit the ball as high as my arm can go and it goes straight into the net. but thats one of the smaller factors. my problem is arm power. if u could i would try a jump serve to get more height. but u might be able tog et it over the net and the closer to the ground it is the harder it is for them to get. w/e works best for u.

  19. serving is hard for anyone. i know that mississippi state had a service specialist on their team who was only 4' 10". she would jump serve and her jump was always only 5" in the air, but it went over every time. something that might help is to try to jump serve. the only reason to jump serve(besides to intimidate) is so you can get above the ball and bring it down hard. try to arch your balls when you serve. hope i helped.

  20. it may be. i wouldn't know im 5'10''. but at least you can dive and not have to fall as'll be fine girl

  21. NOOOOO.

    Im short and i am a great under hand server.... but over hand serving is  bit tougher.... But if you just believe you can do it youll do it...TRUST ME!

  22. Hey! being 5'2" is nothing.. i have a friend who is 5'4" and can serves pretty quick with power and slice the ball to give it a curve.. what you need is some practice serving the ball over the net.. start off, start near the net and serve.. then work your way back to the serving line..   good luck and don't let people judge you by your height.. you got mad skill..

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