
Is seven months of being with someone too soon to be getting engaged?

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I have been dating a man I love very much for 7 months (We have actually been close friends for 3 years, but we just started dating in december). He recently proposed, and I accepted. But I can't help but wonder if we haven't been dating long enough to know if we are really going to work as a married couple. I've dated guys for years before and it didn't work out in the end. We are both 26, and he wants to get married in October. I truly feel like I could be with him forever though. He's like my best friend and true love at the same time. I've never felt this comfortable with someone before and loved them this much at the same time. I'm just wondering what your opinions are. Thanks for your help!




  1. Wow, I hope people don't mix us up!

    I don't think it's long enough, it doesn't matter how long you have known him, just how long you are dating.

    I really think it takes at least a year and half to two years to get to know each other well enough, and one another's families - you are mature enough you should know that. (And I think you do, which is why you asked... and are wondering...)

  2. i was engaged within a month of MEETING my fiance. but we had a long engagement (almost two years), just to be "sensible" about it.

    trust your heart, its very possible to know immediately he's the one. but if your head needs to catch up with your heart, have a long engagment! being a fiance is a beautiful time, and you will learn so much more about eachother, and it can only make things better.

  3. you cant put a time line on these things. sometimes you know instantly, others it takes time. You are your own person and if it feels right to you, then its the right time, if you have any doubts, maybe you need to think it through a little more.

  4. My mum and dad got engaged three weeks after meeting each other (although my mum said yes with the provision that she could change her mind if she wanted) and they've just had their twenty five year anniversary.

    If it feels right, go for it.

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