
Is severe depression a normal pregnancy symptom?

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I know that hormones are going crazy and its normal to have mood swings and highs and lows, but if depression is the only mood and it stays for weeks without getting better is that normal? I'm 10 weeks pregnant and have suffered depression in the past. What can I do to make myself feel better? Is there anything safe to take for this?




  1. Severe anything is never normal.  Try dolling yourself up, treating yourself to a pedi/medi.  Buying yourself something special.  Get a hobby, and have positive thoughts.  walking helps!  Scrap-booking is fun.  Just keep your mind busy, thoughts positive, and be happy.  Enjoy this moment, your baby is growing inside of you.  It's amazing.

  2. yes depression is normal for pregnant women. some women go through it worse than others and with some it last the whole time that they are pregnant. i think you should talk to your doctor to see what he suggest and do not take anything for it unless your doctors tells you that it is ok. i think that some things that you could do is probably just get out a little more and have your husband or boyfriend or just a friend in general to do something special with you, something nice that will get your mind off of things. that helps sometimes. staying cooped up in the house isn't going to help any, that just make you think about things even more. so i would suggest getting out and having a little fun. but still talk to your doctor that's what they are there for. take care  

  3. You should probably ask your doctor.

    Don't take anything.

  4. Your husband is the best form of comfort. You will feel depressed. You will feel stupid, sad, mad, crazy. Its hormones. After my daughter was born I did not want anyone to touch her.. even my hubby. But with his understanding and his help I worked my problems out. Its completely normal. Please do not let anyone tell you that you are crazy.

    If you get so depressed that you are thinking about taking your life.. then you need to worry.

    Congrades.. your life will change.. for the better

    Good luck

  5. Severe Depression is not normal at all, even during pregnancy.  I was suffering from the same thing during my pregnancy and my doctor prescribed me Zoloft.  Other than that, I don't know what to tell you, Hon. Talk to your Doc about it.  I fhe won't help, go see a different one.

  6. Some depression is normal during pregnancy.  But not severe depression.  You should talk to your doctor about it, especially since you have suffered from depression in the past.  Your doctor can find something that will be safe for you to take if therapy alone isn't enough.  Don't worry about what we say either.  Only your doctor can tell you if the risk of medication outweighs the benefit for your situation.

  7. Call your nurse at your OB's office. They should have given you a pamplet on that. You can get set up to talk with a couselor too if you feel it's too bad. I was down when I was first pregnant between 4 - 6 weeks (Now 9) and doing much better. Try reading a good book, taking a walk or going shopping for the little one. Keep positive and think about you too, this should help. Sorry, I know it's really hard :(

  8. do not let your doctor prescribe you zoloft during pregnancy. my doctor did and when i got it filled the papers and pharmacist said that you can have a still birth if you take it. i didnt take and i waited it out until after i had my child. once i had him i was 10 times better.

  9. Some moodiness is normal, but if your depression is long standing, and you have a previous history, you should take something.  Zoloft and Lexipro are both approved for pregnancy.  Your OB can prescribe them for you.

    ~~Marina:  You should really check your facts before posting.  No, I'm not a doctor, but I have been through this and know what I'm talking about.  There are medications that are safe, and they do help.

  10. Depression is not a "normal" pregnancy symptom.  I suffered from depression with my second child, after going off of my prescription. I contacted my doctor and he put me on an antidepressant that was safe to take while you're pregnant.

    I recommend letting your doctor know so that you can start enjoying your pregnancy!

  11. Hey sweetie,

    No this isn't normal, typical ups and downs are normal. But if for you depression is occurring constantly you should definitely speak to your GP and Midwife.

    Prenatal depression, as you may have, is very dangerous. There are estimates that as many as 70 of women will experience symptoms of depression during pregnancy. The real problem with depression in pregnancy can have a negative impact on good prenatal care, particularly in the areas of nutrition, sleep habits, exercise and following care instructions from the doctor or midwife.

    Substance abuse, including alcohol and cigarette smoking, also tends to be higher in pregnant women who report depression. There are also the factors that we commonly think of as risks for prenatal depression such as a higher risk of suicide.

    Women report that the most troubling problem for them is often the feeling of disassociation with the baby.

    I strongly reccomend you speak to your Dr and Midwife about this soon.

    They are there to help you.

    Good luck!


  12. Depression is a real, not imaginary, illness and can affect pregnant women just as much as it affects anyone else.  You should see a psychologist if you feel that nothing you're doing is working. There are some drugs that pregnant women can take that are actually more healthy that being depressed while being pregnant.  Depression may have an effect on the baby.  Don't delay.  

    You need to be exercising- at least walking every day. Clean out your playlists of anything sad.  You need to be talking to people about your anxieties, and enjoying the company of friends.  You need to know that depression isn't permanent, and that life will get a lot better.  Enjoy planning for the arrival of the baby.  Don't worry about being a mother, you'll be fine.  

  13. I'm in the same boat. At 35 weeks I'm in the middle of a severe bout of depression. I'm going to see my doctor, I think you should too.  

  14. i have and had for10 plus years severe anxiety and depression.  when i first found out i was pregnant at about 6 weeks, i had very bad depression and anxiety.  some is normal even for people regularly without depression especially if their first baby.  my sister also suffers from this, unlike myself, she takes zoloft.  her doctor said it was fine all through pregnancy and she feels great.  i chose not to take meds and suffered through it.  it went away for me.  the first 13 weeks are supposed to be when the hormones are at their peak, i would encourage you to hang in there and tough it out for the next couple weeks and see if this lifts.  like you said, if you already suffered from depression previously it hits pretty hard again with these hormones, adds too it.  i try to shop or do something for others to get my mind focused on other things when im severly depressed.  just go and do something. i also sought the good lord, thats what gets me through. good luck

  15. when i was pregnant i was depressed to. i think it is very normal. i use to get depressed over small things.  

  16. it is if u regret what u did

  17. aspirin maybe

  18. Nothing is safe to take. You need to tell your OBGYN how you're feeling, tell him/her that you have suffered from depression before, and that you would like the name of a good therapist to talk to.  The good news is that you recognize this icky feeling and want ot help yourself. DO NOT take any meds.

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