
Is sewing something easy to teach yourself?

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Everyone is my family can sew and very well at that but me. They tried to teach me but I never could keep the thread in the hole or re-hole it, lol. I even took classes in design school same thing. But years later I still really want to learn and maybe Im more serious then I used to be who knows? Do you think I can do it now??




  1. yes it's so easy

  2. Why don't you get someone in your family to teach you how to do it. It is very easy to do once you get the knack of it?

  3. Well i'm not sure about teaching yourself, but i had living skills (home economics) and i learned that way. It was extremely easy having someone help me and teach me. They took it step by step. That class in design school may not have helped then but now maybe if your more serious about it.

    You know if you go to a joanns or fabric store, they have weekly classes. that could help you get started.

  4. Sure, anything's possible.  Especially if you are serious about learning.

    What methods work well for you to learn skills like these?  Are you a visual learner (there are some good videos out there now).  Are you a kinesthetic learner, one who needs to work through each step in real life?  Are you a book learner?  A listening learner?  Do you need to make detailed notes about everything?

    Think about how you best learn to do something new -- like cooking or changing a tire or rewiring a lamp.  Then consider using that method for learning sewing. (another thing to think about -- family are rarely your best teachers -- my grandmother pronounced me too ham-handed to learn to sew after working with me for about an hour.  I sure fooled her by learning on my own!)

    I'm an old college teacher (biology, not sewing), and if you want to tell me the sorts of things that are easy for you to learn and what you think went wrong the last time, I may be able to make some suggestions of things that might help.

  5. Sure! Once you get the basics down, you'll be able to sew a variety of patterns. If your machine comes with an instruction manual, I'd go through it and practice threading the needle & bobbin--it does get easier ;) I started sewing at 11 and learned a lot through trial and error (a *lot* of error...). It's definitely frustrating at times, which is when a class/family member/friend can help you.

    I recommend the book Sewing for Dummies, which takes you through the basics really well. It also guides you through making something from a pattern, which is definitely a milestone when you're learning to sew. Good luck!

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