
Is s*x a good way?

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I go through depression. Like serious depression, I even cut my self a couple times but thats not important right now. I go to parties with my friends and they introduce me to their guy friends. I just take them up to my room and "do it" with them, It makes me feel better. But only for a while. Then I realize what i've done and I get even more depressed. But I just can't stop having s*x to stop my depression.




  1. You need to see a professional before you end up pregnant or with an STD. You aren't just depressed for no reason. Something (and you probably know what) is causing these feelings and behaviors, and you need to fix it before you s***w up your whole life.

    Also, medication doesn't solve anything. It might make treatment easier, but it isn't the cure. The cure is figuring out what is going on and being strong enough to fix it.

  2. aw you poor thing..

    Hun..i think you should figure out why your depressed..then from there you should be able to concoct a solution.

    s*x aint the way to go =(

    its pleasurable,but it should be with the one person you love, you know that..

    And if that dont work,try restrain yourself for depression,always think positive ok? ALWAYS.

    then you always have good things on your mind =D

    best of luck



  3. a healthy way would be seeking professional help (counselors, therapists, etc) or writing all your thoughts and feelings in a private journal. another healthy way is through exercising (walking, running, gym, yoga, etc) and if your depression is taking over your life you might have to try medication (last resort)

  4. huh where have you been all my life?  hahaha

  5. While it gives a nice distraction you are still depressed.  It is only a band-aid, a temporary fix. This is why after the thrill of s*x is over you become depressed again. You need to see a doctor to get help. You may need medication or therapy or a combination of both.

    Here are some sites that may be of help.

  6. Usually being around people, especially family and friends, all the time is a good way to get out of a depression.  If that isn't working, you need to ask yourself what you are depress about.  Then, work from there.  People here can't really help you because we don't know why you are depress.

  7. If you feel like you have an addiction, then seek out a s*x Addicts Anonymous program near you, or a message board if you can't. If you don't feel this is the case, then your best bet for dealing with depression would be to seek help. Again, group therapy is something that could help in this situation. If you need to talk one-on-one with someone, or can afford to see a therapist, then I suggest that. It sounds like having s*x is the least of your problems.

    You really have to ask yourself if you would feel bad if you didn't apply moral judgment to your actions. If s*x is helping you, and you can't afford or receive help from an outside source, it's not going to kill you. Just PLEASE practice safe s*x, and try to seek out a professional or group to help with your depression. Good luck!

  8. Have you ever seen a doctor or a psychologist?

    If not, it wouldn't hurt just to see you know?

    May be they can help you.

    I have major deppression myself, but have never been to a doctor for it. I have bad thoughts, but I do not act upon them, I know there are better things out there and that I should be happy and grateful for everything I have because I know I could lose everything in a heart beat.

    Hopefully I am getting throught to you..

  9. Do you visit a psychologist? That would be the only way.

  10. I am the same way! except I have s*x with one guy-my boyfriend! I get real depressed sometimes and I just have my way with him, i ALWAYS feel better afterwards. I thought it was a bad thing but not anymore. Plus it's the only excercise I do.. people ask me how i stay in shape but I'm not telling! lol

    "s*x is an instant cure for MILD DEPRESSION. It releases the chemical endorphin into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being."

    Be optimistic... it really does help.. once you hear yourself complaining or saying awful thoughts about yourself, you have to recognize it and tell yourself you will not listen to that nonsense... i dont think therapy or anything cures anybody's depression. they HELP you to help yourself... but it's all YOU. you have the power to change yourself and nbody else does.

    list all the good qualities you have. everyone has plenty! write it down. give more. help a friend with a problem. help out around the house. u know it gives u something to do and gets ur mind off the negative zone. find something you enjoy doing.

    i am struggling myself... but s*x is one of the things i LOVE to do so I don't feel bad for enjoying it... also i play world of warcraft online. it takes my mind into the game world and away from negative thoughts. i have tons of fun.

  11. Attend to some seminars how to abstain from having s*x.

  12. actually s*x is much better than a lot of other things you could be doing for depression.....including dr perscriptions; they only treat the sympton...not the youll always need more.

    the best cure for depression is a vigorous excercise routine.  join a gym and go everyday and everytime your feeling will make you fell will have better, longer lasting effects than s*x treatment.  not to mention it will keep you in tip top shape...which will help you beat 98% of your female competition when it comes to dating/guys.

    and STOP cutting yourself....your gonna kill your chances with any hot guys both now and in the future.  if they see cut scars in the future, they will know that you are a nutjob attention w***e, and youll never land a good guy.  also, make sure the guys you bone are pleasing you should come at least 2-3 times and that will really help you feel better.  if you find a guy that really knows how to work it....consider making him a booty call....rather than sleepin with diff guys all the time.  id give you my number...but im sure your a minor, lol.

    if you have s*x keep the following in mind and always protect yourself with proper protection:

    95% of guys dont really want kids...some of them just try to do the right thing.

    There is so much misinformation and lack of it out there on this really bothers me. decisions are often made based on emotions and or parental influence/religion (ie: right wing) beliefs....and thats no way to choose somebodys future. most young girls think that havin kids is just super easy and cute....while in fact almost all young moms (under 26) will admit that they never knew how hard it would be! many would have made a diff decision had they more information that wasnt tainted by parents/religion/society beliefs ect.

    things to consider before moving forward...

    1. but besides that...why would u want to get that fat...that is soooo gross....i would not want to be seen in public or by my friends. not to mention the stretch marks and if i was a would not want to squeeze that thing outta my little who haa either. way too much pain, and i would want to keep my v****a as tight as possible...not loosy goosey.

    2. being pregnant is typically a cop means you dont have any bigger plans for your life than to pop out some kids (and hopefully get married). if your religous im sure you god has bigger plans for you than that.

    3. MOST IMPORTANTLY; WHY WOULD U WANT TO JEAPARDIZE both OF YOUR FUTURES LIKE THAT? not to mention the childs future. kids should only be had by MARRIED people that can afford them (over $50k/yr), people with decent jobs that dont work too much, people that can afford to save for the childs college, and people that are 30 or older and live in a house! anything else and the parent is being extremly selfish.

    4. why would u want to bring a kid into this messed up world....thats getting worse with each day?? thats just wrong and extremely selfish.

    5. also, girls life goal is to get married...but often they get knocked up before marriage; or if theyre under 30 then the guys leaves or divorces them 90% of the or not (having a kid will not keep a guys around ladies, it usually will end up pushing them away for sure...if not immediately then later). now even if they are super model hot...their chances of getting remarried to mr right have just dropped by 95%. Most guys dont want someone elses problem/responsibilty (remember, most dont even want their own kids). dont believe this...i have a ton of single mom friends that are all SUPER SUPER HOT...sure they go on dates once in a while (even that is pretty rare)....but none of them ever have a steady/good boyfriend. guys dont want serious relationships with moms...they will date them casually, but almost never seriously.

    if your family or friends say to keep it...dont listen to them. they just want you to be stuck just like them. then how would you get a job to support yourselves? not to mention th poor kid would grow up in a broken home and prob always be severly underpriveledged, since its mom wont be able to get a good job. also, you wont be able to go out with your friends to bars/parties/dates/ will miss out on soooo much in life.

    Million-Dollar Babies

    Friday, Mar. 28, 2008 By PAMELA PAUL Lars Borges / GettyArticle ToolsPrintEmailReprintsSphereA...

    On Tuesday, the annual Expenditures on Children by Families report, which tracks how much it costs to raise a child in America, was released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (yes, that's the government bureaucracy charged with this particular tally). According to its latest estimate, a child born in 2007 costs $204,060 to watch over, feed, cart around, educate and house from birth to the age of 18. This amounts to a tenfold increase in less than 50 years. According to the USDA, child-rearing costs have soared since the department began its annual study in 1960, when raising a kid cost a mere $25,229.

    While that may sound like a dramatic increase — and could in part explain why more families today are raising only one child — it's actually not much greater than the U.S. inflation rate over the same time period. But consider what the government figures don't take into account, and the onerous repercussions for families nationwide. Take child care. According to the USDA, parents spend an average of $1,220 to $3,020 on child care and education during each of the first two years, depending on household income. Yet the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies, a network of more than 805 child care centers nationwide, estimates the bill at $4,388 to $14,647 a year. In urban areas like New York City, where daycare centers are few and overcrowded, parents hire nannies at an average of $31,000 — and that's off the books. Taxes, benefits and insurance can run an additional $6,000 a year. Part of the problem with the official figures is that half of the families surveyed for the government study don't pay for child care at all; either a parent or family caregiver is doing the work for free. The government figures are therefore hugely misleading, as any parent footing a child care bill can attest.

    According to the NACCRRA, in 43 states the average annual price for an infant in a child care center is greater than a year's tuition at a public college. And why not start talking about college, even if said child is merely an infant? While the USDA doesn't include college costs in its estimates, since it covers kids only up to age 18, it should take into account the amount of money parents need to save in order to eventually afford those $50,000 tuition bills. Most financial advisers urge parents to set aside a minimum of $1,000 per child a month, which alone would nearly double the government's total childrearing estimate.

    Other methodological hiccups mar the government's report. For example, though housing makes up the largest single cost across income groups — 33% to 37% of total expenses — the estimates do not include mortgage principal payments.

    Nor does the report take into account the myriad other products and services that parents today consider essential to raising a child. When you count the stroller, car seat, baby formula, crib, pacifiers and diaper cream, the bill for the first year's baby gear alone clocks in at $6,300. That's not including such luxuries-***-necessities as exersaucers, baby sign-language class, Mommy and Me yoga and bouncy seats for the youngest set — and then soccer, tutoring, piano lessons, iPods and designer jeans once the kids hit school age. Sure, some of this stuff is extraneous. But most of it isn't — if you don't want to feel like you're seriously shortchanging your children.

    The USDA's numbers don't just sit idly on a government website. They are used to establish child support guidelines, determine foster care payments and appraise damage arising from personal injuries and wrongful death suits. They are also, ironically, intended to "educate anyone who is considering when or whether to have children."� No wonder so many of us are unprepared to handle the financial burden of parenthood, and critical family services are woefully under-budgeted. Last month, the Bush Administration announced plans to eliminate the American Time Use Survey, a five-year-old project conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Census Bureau has been similarly stymied by budgetary cuts and ideological opposition. Given the Administration's indifference to this kind of statistical research, it's no surprise that the realities of working families have been overlooked these past eight years. If the current presidential candidates expect to attend to the needs of the average American family, it's all the more vital that they know, and pay attention to, where families really are at.

    — Pamela Paul is the author of Parenting Inc.: How We are Sold on $800 Strollers, Fetal Education, Baby Sign Language, Sleeping Coaches, Toddler Couture, and Diaper Wipe Warmers — and What It Means for Our Children


    ps...having a kid with someone you havent even known for five years is just a disaster waiting to happen. both of you are still in the cute/fun phase of relationship. you still have much to learn about each other....and will not keep the guy around; it never does; in fact it usually drives them away because they want to be with YOU...but they cant when your running around takin care of babies 20 hrs a day.

  13. I think you need a new hobby.

  14. ****?

  15. I think the fact that you are asking shows that you know that this isn't really what you want for yourself, and you certainly give that impression.

    It's really important that you love yourself a lot more(and yes, I am aware of how cheesy that sounds).  Try to focus on thinking about the positive things about you and raising your self confidence so that you don't need to feel the attachment to guys.  s*x does release hormones that can do fun stuff also, but if it makes you feel worse in the end maybe some....  alternative stimuli would be a good investment.  Put a lot of focus on what is good about your life, but specifically about you, and remember that there are a lot of things more important than s*x, and you are one of them.

    It sounds like this may be a very serious issue if you are cutting yourself, and if you feel like you are getting worse, and not better you should seek a councilor, but start off by just focusing on all the good things about yourself first before you let a guy sit arond and tell you what is wrong.

    I used to cut and have eating disorders, and learning to appreciate myself more for who I am helped a lot with that, that included taking the time to take care of myself also; exercise more, eat better, etc.

  16. It'd probally be best to talk to a theripist and maybe they can subsribe you some prescription medication to solve your depression.
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