
Is s*x addiction real...?

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Do you believe that so-called s*x addiction is an actual condition akin to other accepted dependencies or do you think that it "exists" as the result of medicalizing normal feelings of guilt experienced by ******* like David Duchovny when they know they're doing something they shouldn't.




  1. Yes, it is real.  And you can scale back on it.  

  2. for some people, yes.

  3. I have seen on TV people who were being treat for it. So it's real.

  4. yes and it had to be labeled sometime by someone. but I think too many people try to use this as an excuse,yes.

  5. Very much so! It's an addiction like anything else...smoking, drinking, eating, shopping, drugs...ect, ect. It can ruin relationships and consume your life even. People even use it as outlets to fill voids in their lives even though it just makes them feel worse after. It's real weather people want to think it's " just and excuse "  

  6. I dont think s*x addiction is "real".  I think as a society we've come to medicalise a lot of what are actually social problems, that need to be sorted out personally and through our own will-power rather than with the help of professionals. But I guess its convinient for some people as it means they can accept less responsibility if its an "illness" they have!.

  7. Hehe i have this problem  

  8. I think you could get Addicted to it but that doesn't mean its a disease...I mean when people make up names for diseases its so they know what it is so as they can find a cure or help the problem not use it as an excuse. so many relationships have been ruined because of people cheating and then saying its because of a disease. There lying but that doesn't mean they don't need help because all they need is self restraint.    

  9. If you create a disorder, you create an industry.  On one hand the pathologizing of pretty normal things makes it easier for people to get counselling through their insurance because it is something quantifiable.  On the other hand, it gives people an excuse.  "I can't keep it in my pants" turns into an illness and the guy who'd hump anything is now ill instead of just a hormonal male.

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