
Is sexual revolution cause more harm than good to the society? 10 points.?

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I believe teenage pragnancy, unmarried single mother, high divorces rates, STDs are the consequence of sexual revoluation.

What do you think? Please advice. Thank you




  1. I think they went about it all wrong, they took away our right to be mom's and wives and made us ashamed to be traditional stay at home mothers. A lot of women cherish that role and have been made to feel as though we are only doing to make the men happy .

  2. Yes,several million abortions since that time.STDS out of control.Unwed mothers,and so much more.

  3. I have to agree with you on that. These days nothing is sacred anymore. I also think the reason women don't get any respect anymore is because of the sexual revolution.

  4. Women lost their primary bargaining chip of power.

  5. As someeone who lived through the sexual revolution,(and thought it was a wonderful thing at the time)I have to agree with you.

    Now, I hope all the men out there won't be offended by this but.....

    Women were always the ones that kept men on the straight and narrow path, and demanded respect from them, and to be treated like ladies, including having doors opened for us etc.  But when women decided anything goes as far as s*x, single parenting, it was as if we stooped to thier level, rather than them meeting us half-way.  So now as a whole, we have lower moral standards and less respect for ourselves, etc.

    (sorry guys, i really DO like men, but I think most of you, especially if you are ver 40, will agree with me).

  6. I do not think sexual revolution is causing all those.  I think teenage pregnancy is caused by  the fact that parents don't discipline their children as severely.  The high divorce rates are caused by a society that throws everything away.  Don’t like your husband?  Go to Vegas, divorce him, and in the next hour get a new one.  People never stop to work things out.  STDs are more prevalent because people have freer access to sexual partners.

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