
Is shared dreaming a form of telepathy?

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Is shared dreaming a form of telepathy?




  1. Yes.

    However, two people that are very close (let' say romantic) might have a similar dream about something like the birth of a child or going to see the same play, etc. Since these two involved people would have similar interest a dream of this nature would be normal.

    On the other hand if you communicated information only known to you (that couldn't be reasonably guessed) and the other person recalls you telling them that information in the dream (and you recall it as well) then dream telepathy may be taking place.


  2. If two people who do not communicate during the day have a similar dream one night, probably a coincidence. Two nights, unusual but not ground shaking. Regularly -- perhaps there is something going on here. However, this kind shared dreaming has not been observed.

    There's also the question of what is "similar" about the dream. One way to approach that is for the two dreamers to have a conversation and to interview them separately about it and see if the conversations match. Perhaps there is a key bit of information that has to be transferred from one dreamer to another. Or perhaps another way is to take a statistical approach to counting objects or images common in both dreams.

    Anyhow, if shared dreaming did happen and was determined to occur with good experimental controls, I suppose that would be lumped under telepathy.

  3. When my ex-husband and I were going through our divorce, a couple of days before I moved out of state, he and I had the same dream.

    We dreamed that we were still in love with each other, like it used to be, and then had s*x.

    In reality, if we were in the same room together for over 15 seconds a heated argument would ensue.

    So it was odd that we had dreamed that when our relationship had run its course.

  4. yep

  5. Sure,

    I think you could develop it with a partner. You could agree to meet somewhere in a dream. Study lucid dreaming.

  6. Yes.

  7. Usually if your having shared dreams alot its a good indication that you may have telepathy or the first signs of telepathy.If so you can set up experiments to try and see if each other can read each others  minds.

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