
Is shawn michaels g*y??

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Some family members and i have been argueing about this and i want to settle this now!!!!!! So is he g*y??




  1. No he's not g*y. he has a wife. switch is good looking.

  2. No He isn't g*y.

    He has a wife, Rebecca and a daughter who's 4 and a son who's 8.  

  3. What do you think "boy toy" really means?!?!?!  HBK was suppose to be a rock star gimmick from the 80's or 90's era.  Take a look at bands like Poison or Nelson and tell me they don't look a little bit fruity....

  4. Sure, just ask his WIFE whos been married to for 10 years and his two KIDS.

  5. courtney = dumbass

  6. No

  7. he is married to former nitro girl "whisper" and has two kids. so no he is not g*y.

  8. no!!!!

    watch raw free here

  9. NO! For God's sake,his WIFE was in the ring with him at summerslam.He's been married to his wife for ten years,and has two children.

  10. no, but he was in playgirl but hes married

  11. If You Guys Actually Watched Wrestling You Would Know He Is Married And Chris Jericho *Y2J* Punched His WIFE In The Face At SummerSlam.

  12. of course not!  

  13. wtf are you retarded he's married...

  14. he's not g*y

    he's married to a beautiful and s**y woman named Rebecca

  15. No

    But I want Candice & Mickie to be g*y

  16. no he is not g*y

  17. Hmmmmmmmmmm

  18. no he's not g*y.  he's married to a woman.

    perhaps he's bisexual,  who knows.

  19. he is married how would he be g*y

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