
Is she ADHD or just unmotivated.?

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I have a cousin who is about 7 years old. When she must focus in school or in the piano lessons I give her, her attention span ranges from about 5 seconds- 1 minute. After that she's jumping around or complaining and whining, and she completely loses focus. Most of my family labels her as ADHD (and I believe she is on some type of medication, but her family has not relayed this to us specifically). I notice though, that she can watch tv and cartoons for hours on end. If she were ADHD, wouldn't it be hard for her to watch television shows for hours? Does it sound like she's really ADHD or just unmotivated to learn things that require effort? What do you think?

If she is ADHD, then I'll try to tailor her music lessons to accomodate that. Otherwise, I might have to stop giving her piano lessons because I just can't take the hyperactivity...




  1. My son has ADHD & he can focus on two things for long periods of time, and two things only:  anything with a screen and Legos.  The other poster was correct that they usually do have one thing they do focus on.

  2. At the age of 7, a short attention span is not unusual.  ADHD is a medical diagnosis.  Only a physician can make that call.

    The thing you have to remember about the cartoons though is that she probably started off only being able to sit through a short period of time with them, too.

  3. ha-ha....  my son is the same way....

    just unmotivated....  because if they can stick around and pay attention to the cartoons, then there is no ADHD...

    your cousin must be really bored with the lessons... and you about found the answer yourself...

    either taylor the lessons to her, or stop all together...!!

    try teaching her the spongebob song on the piano...  but you play it 1st so she knows what shes trying to play!!!

    if not spongebob, maybe some other cartoon she REALLY - REALLY likes!!!!!!!!!

  4. Kids with ADHD often overfocus on chosen activities; they are the kids who really can't concentrate on a spoken lesson, but can play one video game for 12 straight hours.

    If your cousin is not able to focus for more than a couple of minutes, whether she has ADHD or not, you need to tailor her lessons to her abilities.  Teach one small bit, one scale or set of notes, and present it and have her practice it for one minute.  Then chat for 2 minutes.  Then add one more measure or one more part of a scale, so that the whole takes 90 seconds.   Now chat, take a break.  Now add 30 more seconds.

    Etc. etc.  Very slowly, you should see her attention increase and her ability to play the music increase.

    At 7 years old, anything more than 2 or 3 minutes in length seems to me to be pushing it anyway.  Just help her to love the music and you'll be doing your job!

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