
Is she a boy or a girl and are they breeding?

by  |  earlier

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I origanally bought for parakeets, two boys and two girls. At least thats what i thought. Now a little less than a year later the two who I thought were grls started interaacting more. the one'spiece of skin above the beak was pink and the other one's has always been a rough, crusty tanish coulor. Now a couple aof days ago the one with the pink beak's beak has started to turn a blueish coulor and the one with the crusty tan beak is starting to get a round belly about the size of half of a chicken egg rght above her legs and she is really lazy and just eats and drinks unless she's with the other bird then she's happy. They do a lot of mouth to mouth but im not shure if they're feeding each other. I want to add on to the cage and make it even bigger than it is now and put a nesting box in that, but im not sure what to do, i hope that someone out there can give me few answers and tips. Thank you. An if you can send me anything that can help me with this my e-mail is




  1. normally if a parakeet had a crust odd colored beak its sick. and the lazyness adds to my idea. blue above the beak means boy pink means girl. normally they get it the color in after "puberty" but this one sounds sick. birds dont get big bellys when they have eggs inside. thats not normal. please think about calling your vet.

  2. girls will preen girls, just as boys will preen boys, its not just sexual its social...parakeets are great birds, if u post a pic i may be able to tell you what s*x it is    check out for good parakeet info

  3. It is nearly impossible to s*x a bird. Even breeders have a very tuff time sexing them if they can. Its usually a hit and miss thing. Your bird sounds sick. Beak color has nothing to do with the s*x.

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