
Is she a true friend?

by Guest67022  |  earlier

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Ok its this girl and she supose to be my friend but she told my biggist secert because i would not give her my cell phonw what do that mean?>




  1. That means that you're 10 and need to grow up.


    Shes acting like a little kid!  

  3. I say no. You cell is yours, and you shouldn't tell anybody secrets. She's not a real friend.

  4. she totally disrepected friend...ever does stuff like that..

  5. Thats she not a good friend

  6. ditch her.

  7. No she isn't a true friend.

  8. if she was a true friend would she tell ur secret to the world? (if i were you, i would talk to her and ask her why she isnt acting like a friend.)

  9. she is so not your friend

    leave her

  10. why would she need your cell phone?

    i guess, she's not a true friend..

  11. listen i kno it sounds bad(and im probobly goin 2 get some thumbs down for this )but dont give her up just yet. i kno she did a mistake for some pretty stupid things, but shes humen and no ones perfect, also i bet u shes really (really) regretting it rite now.and whats one mishap between friends.come on give her one more chance(u mite want to mak it clear that ur only gonna giv it one more try if u ever think about still bein friends) u might regret breakin off ur friendship, and if she screws up badly again then thats the time to be thinking about if u should or should not still b friends

  12. no you can trust a tue friend any one who makes you feal bad embaressed or unconfertable is a jerk and not a person to hang out with  finding a true friend is realy hard but realy worth it trust me

      be your self and you will get a bff

    i hope you find a new friend! =)

  13. She's not a true friend ! Why would your true friend spread a secret about you for no big reason? That's just stupid. If you can trust her, then she's probably not great friends after all. If she was a true friend, she would've probably just said ok, thanks anyway, and asked someone else to use their phone, not spread your secret.  

  14. 1) She's not a real friend. She betrayed your trust and spilled your secret, so clearly her advancing her relationship with the person she spilled to is more important than keeping her relationship with you.

    2) Want even more proof? She spilled because you wouldn't give her your phone. I know your generation is taught by your parents that you're the greatest thing to ever happen since things happened, but there is absolutely no excuse for a little brat to betray a friend's trust because she didn't get her way. She will be the woman who will betray everyone and everything throughout her life and will bring a constant trail of negativity everywhere she goes. Take a lesson from her and don't be anything like her.

    3) Improve your grammar and spelling. It will take you far in life.

  15. that means shes a female dog who only cares about what she wants and doesnt care about you

    dumpp her

  16. lol youd be the biggest tool ever if you gave her that cell phone. your so called *friend* is using you.

  17. if u say ur her friend too...then y would u not give her ur phone number

  18. She isn't a good friend. She's very untrustworthy to spill a secret over something small, when she doesn't get her own way.  

  19. she's not your friend and very childish

  20. Talk to her about it. It may be hard to do, but tell her it was a mean thing to do and if she does it again you won't be her friend. See what she says.

    Hope things work out!

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