
Is she adhd or autistic or something?

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my 3 year old has been driving us crazy lately. she has always been like this but since she turned 3 in December its been worse. She won't sit still at the dinner table or any time. She is up and down only time she sits still is when she is seatbelted in the car. She is constantly picking things up and playing with them even though they don't belong to her. she can't walk by anything with touching or picking it up. She isn't happy unless she is making a lot of noise and she is constantly whining. You can't even read to her, she won't sit still for it.

I am beginning to think she has adhd or is autistic. I am constantly getting impatient with her and I hate it.

is it just the 3's or is there more to it.




  1. My daughter turned three in September, and she is the same way. She is driving me insane!  The three's are definitely harder than the two's.  Just give her tons of positive reinforcement when she does what you ask.  My daughter has improved some since I stopped constantly harping at her all day long.  But I feel your pain.  Just wait til she's 16! :)

  2. Have her tested but it sounds like she is just being 3.

  3. Yep sounds like a three year old.

    Check her diet and stop feeding foods and sweets with E numbers as these are known to cause hyper-activity and mood swings.

    One final bit of bad news - its the first 18 years are the worst but when its over you will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

    Good luck.

  4. Sounds like my son at the same age. Typical toddler preschooler behaviour. They start to grow out of it, but at 6 my son is still fidgety and talkative!

  5. it may be totally normal, but it sounds like maybe a sensory thing. If she has problems with sensory integration that cam make her fidgety, or make her want to touch everything. Try to locate a book called "the out of sync child". It deals with sensory problems...I did not realize that my 2 year old is a sensory seeker with gross motor activities, but has tactile defensiveness until I read it. Basically my son hates for you to touch his face or neck (he sounds like you are skinning him if you wipe his face), but LOVES to do borderline dangerous things like climbing and jumping off things too high for his age.

  6. You say she's always been like that, but it's worse ... three is a frustrating age because the child wants to do many things but is physically unable to, doesn't have the words to physically communicate. Their appetite also drops off because they aren't growing as fast as earilier.

    The curiosity is normal - talk to her when she picks things up and tell her what they are. Teach her to handle them carefully. If she's talking well enough, explain that it is "Fred's book". Do not tolerate destruction: put her in a time out if she wrecks things.

    An indicator it's just being 3 and not ADHD ...

    Can she focus on something she wants to do for 20 minutes? Like coloring, playing in the sand box, or being read to. If so, it's probably not ADHD.

    A couple of indicators it's just being 3 and not autism ...

    Has she lost any skills, stopping talking, losing interest in what previously interested her. If not, it's not classic autism.


    Try getting her more exercise - she sounds bored and frustrated. And she probably likes the attention her fidgeting is getting.

    If she gets up and leaves the table, ignore her. If she comes back, ignore her. Let her decide how much to eat. When the meal is over, clear the table. She gets fed at the next meal.

    Basically, ignore all behavior you want to get rid of and praise the behavrior you like.

  7. Hi mom2grls0204 -

    So far, I am not hearing anything to suggest ADHD.  At 3 years old, it's really your daughter's job to be exploring the world and figuring things out....even if it feels extreme.

    I would have a lot more questions about specific behaviors, triggers, etc...  before I even thought about calling this ADHD.

    As a parent to a 3-year-old myself, I know how hard and trying this all is.

    Best bet - make sure she gets plenty of exercise and play time.  I can hardly go anywhere with my daughter because she just wants to explore and get into everything.

    My initial thoughts:

    Does she nap?

    How's her diet?

    My daughter gets like this when she doesn't take her nap.  I can track her behavior changes based on nap or no-nap alone.

    I would start there.

    If there are other more "severe" behaviors happening, I would first see her pediatrician and ask questions first.

    Don't mention ADHD.  Let them bring it up.

    Hope this helps.

    Feel free to send me a message if you want to chat more.

    Dr. Rory Stern

  8. it's the 3's  my 3 year old nephew is like that

  9. She's just being a typical 3 year old. Don't worry - it's fine. I know it's frustrating, but every child goes through it, she'll grow out of it.

  10. Instead of getting impatient get her tested, if ADD or ADHD go for safer alternatives to the Dexy's or Ritalin.

  11. my daughter was the same.

    i looked at her diet and saw what she was relly eating, even in deli food like cherrios, there are 13 food enhancers and preservatives.

    once i got her on a stable diet where i excluded these harmful foods, she turned into what id say is an angel. she was about to be tested for autism also

    regards good luck

  12. People say the 2's are bad.  Three's are worse...

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