
Is she being used and how do I tell her?

by  |  earlier

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she is very very cute and flirty. She has been seeing him ALOT and was out with him til 12 in the morning. on his facebook status it says, "needs a pick me up, shouldnt be too hard ;)"

how do i tell her !!!




  1. First ask the guy what's going on, make sure you have your facts straight. Then when you KNOW she is being used, you have to tell her gently, kindly, and she may not believe you. She may have to find out on her own, and then you can comfort her.

  2. Let her see for herself, show her, so she knows your not making this up.

  3. tell her that you think she should see something.

    and show her the myspace..

    see her reaction..

    and then decide what to do.

    she should definitely know about it

    also.. ever thought he was talking to her?

    and flirting through the status message?

    sometimes things are meant to one person

    but can also be used plural

  4. tell her she nice and she should go out wit a sawx fan

  5. Just tell her. She'll probably thank you for telling her before she does something stupid.


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