
Is she going to be brain damaged?

by  |  earlier

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My sister was having a really bad labour, the baby was coming out the wrong way and ended up having to be born by emergency c-section.

Because of the bumbling midwifes Morgan was left without oxygen for atleast 20 mins, she was unable to breath on her own but she now is (she was only born at 6am this morn) but she has been having fits all day.

The doctors aren't saying much, just non-commital 'We'll have to wait and see if there is any damage'

but please someone advise me, should we expect the worst?

I'm trying so hard to keep it together but it's so crushing, we all want her to be ok but really i know she is lucky to be alive




  1. The best any one can offer you right now are our prayers. it is too soon for the doctor to commit to a diagnoses and impossible for any one here to know the answer. You and your family will be in my prayers.

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