
Is she going to move on???? ladies please help me?

by  |  earlier

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ok me and my ex broke up almost a year i usually move on very slow usually a year break

my ex asked for a break then broke my trust so i broke up with her....she usually moves on fast in her pasts relationships she moves on usually in three months..but its been almost a year and still no guy..why??

she has been telling ppl she was over me and acts weird around me(we dont talk at all i pretty much ignore her now)

she usually has bad relationship i was the first to actually care for her

but i guess i was not good enough :(

please dont say just forget about her i was just wondering




  1. my friend is axactly like that ugh she keeps bugging me about this one guy and it goes on and on she has bin in bad relationship and i have no idea how she is going to move on i mean she is a an emotional train reck and it has bin like a year idk honestly i feel sorrry for u  o k  just talk with her one on one and stuff tell her how u really feel and stuff then she should probably be able to movve on

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