
Is she good looking (pic) ?

by Guest34456  |  earlier

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Yes its a little blurry but couldn'tnt fix it sorry.

Any thing she needs to improve?

Be as harsh as you want. its not me so i dont care,

i just thought she was attractive.




  1. I think she or you whoever it is , is very pretty.... If I were younger I would date you.. I don't think any improvements are needed .

    But then again I always liked long straight haired brunettes who are not to whored up or made up... You look good..

  2. As it's not you, why are you really bothered? Also as looks don't make up the total package, but personality and sense of humour, as well as trust and respect have a part to play then as a starter for a relationship, she would have an advantage.

    Mike t.

  3. I think she's attractive

  4. She looks okay, maybe do something with the hair...looks a little

    plain and messy, and not you know cut with a style.

    If she got a nice hair cut like got a styled hair cut would probably look really good.

  5. Get that hair out of your face. Whoever 'you' are. Defined features - quite pretty. Love hair colour, but out loose and about... looks gothic. Try smiling too.

  6. very attractive.  

  7. She needs to look less stoned

  8. I don't know, she's too blurry. Is there any makeup that makes your face less out of focus? Because otherwise it looks fine.

  9. I think she pretty attractive

    not at all ugly, just that she'd look alot better if she had a better attitude lol or if she smiled or looked more interesting?

    now answer my question;...

  10. I think she's very pretty... no improvements needed

  11. ya not bad at all, but needs some good hairstyle.

  12. Sweetie you are gorgeous :)

  13. Pretty girl, but she needs someone to cut her layers back in and a good hair brush! Other than that she is gorgeous!

  14. Attractive enough

  15. i think she is very beautiful

    the black hair looks perfect on her.

  16. your obsessed with your appearance. this is like your 5th question in the last week regarding how you look. everyone has said your attractive so that means you are. now please STOP looking for compliments. you've heard what you wanted but dont keep going on and on and on about it. theres more to life than wat u look like

  17. ya pretty good...  gorgeous.... nice looking..beautiful....wat to say....

    loveable...attractive...totally super figure....

  18. Yeah she's pretty

  19. She just needs to bring some life into her eyes. OH and the person who posted the picture should totally take it down because probably 10 people have already right clicked and saved it to their Sad Yahoo Teens B/O To Collection.

  20. id hit it.

  21. Yeah, she is, and she just needs to turn her face out more.  

  22. Yes, you're quite good-looking.

  23. not my type

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