
Is she mental? or problems?

by  |  earlier

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okay today we passed a funeral with my friend and my friend freaked out she looked at a grave and she said no guys would like her accidently ,then she freaked out. After she was like oh no i have to look at the same grave again and say that all the guys are gonna like me or else guys wont like me , she thinks that she can make wishes on funerals and she has to say something good and right when she sees a grave or something...... is this even true or is she mental or does she have problems ?????




  1. she is jus weird and a bit confused

  2. maybe she is just scaring you, but i say run away very fast while you can if she is not just pulling your leg

  3. I don't believe she is crazy. She must have some superstition about funerals that make her act strangely. If she behaves normally in other situations and only acts like that when she is near a grave or sees a funeral.. maybe something happened in her childhood and she has guilt feelings over something.. maybe connected with a funeral of an elder relative and she gets hysterical when she sees a funeral hearse or she gets obsessed with tombstones. I believe it is an obsession due to guilt feeling or a phobia about death which doesn't make her crazy but she has an unreasonable fear or death which is a phobia. I have a phobia of moths. It is an unreasonable fear. That is not quite normal... but I don't think it makes me mad. Other people have phobias about mice or bats.. for me it's moths. for her it seems to be funerals and gravestones.

  4. This sounds rather confusing and odd to me.

    She may be just messing around in her own odd way and then again someone may have taught her this when she was young.

    Despite what the reasoning behind it is - it does sound rather creepy.

    Than again people in other countries find it odd when people slug someone over a VW bettle. lol :)

    Good Luck and God Bless

  5. probably a weird pet peeve or superstition,

    you should try asking her about it

  6. wtf did u say?

  7. Sounds like someone once told her this little superstition and it stuck with her.  Some people just HAVE to do it because they believe it so much.  Amuse her and let her do it, and then have her explain it to you.

  8. wait what?!

    that makes no sense..

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