
Is she my friend?????????

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I have this friend named Jayde

She I am her best friend...


She never putts me in her msn P.M when I put her in it

She never tells me stuff

She is always leaving me out for theese other girls named Brooke Michelle Amy Arrin and her boyfriend Charles

And she is never there for me anymore what do I do?

Is it me?

Is it her?





  1. she is not a true friend

  2. Sure she might be a friend but not a best friend. A best friend  would tell you everything. She would put you in her msn P.M when you do.  

  3. You know what i think u 2 are probably really good friends and probably will be for a very long time.. Just sounds like maybe she is just trying to fit in with another group atm.. you will find the friendship u shared again one day.. just to ur part and be there for her..

  4. I know exactly what you are going through.. my friend did the same exact thing to me. She doesnt consider you a best friend anymore, obviously when she leaves you out and doesnt even try to invite you along. Some people just get selfish and dont care about others until they need them. She has other friends and thats all she cares about right now... so i guess the only way for you guys to work things out is if you tell her that, and see what she says, otherwise its just gonna get worse  and you guys arent gonna ever hang out and be friends anymore.. Sorry your going through this.. its really sucks!  

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