
Is she nuts or is it something else?

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Let's say you're a teenager. You go out with a guy or two. You casually date like any teen would. You do some stuff with guy *boyfriend*-

One day you come home from school and you find a letter in the mailbox. It has funny scrawly writing on the front and is addressed to your own mother yet its open and has no stamp. The letter is practically sticking out. You open it and see a letter inside that has WEIRD writing on it and start reading. It's addressed to your mom and it's a so called friend telling her I'm a s**t and all these terrible things. It sounded like the person in the note was jealous, not concerned. Though they were trying to make it seem like concern. while saying s**t and all these names.

Turns out my own mother wrote this and left it so I would find it. She disguised her handwriting and wrote this about me and pretended it wa from a concerned friend to her.

Is that psycho or what? Or is this normal? She has also down some other weird things to me.




  1. Yeah psycho

  2. h**l no it's not normal. Your mom sounds like a psycho. Perhaps she's jealous but even so, this is extremely abnormal behavior. She needs some help. I wish you the best.

  3. I have three kids and would never even DREAM of doing something that horrible and disrespectful to my children.  You probably just need to be the bigger person here (sad, because you're her child) and know that this is HER being a jackass and NOT you.  

    If you don't think it would get you into any trouble, you might want to leave her the same kind of letter, and tell her how most parents you've talked to say they would never do this to a CHILD that they LOVED.

  4. somebody is nuts - not sure whether it's the person writing this as it seems a little far-fetched, or if that mother really is a psycho.

  5. Wow - I think she is crazy

  6. She's nuts. I'm so sorry.

  7. dangggggggggggg. thats not good.

    thats not normal.. im sorry, but its not.

  8. She's crazy.  You need to get away from her.  At the least she needs serious professional help.

  9. Ya shes nuts, I'm even a paranoid, controlling mother and I wouldnt do that.

  10. That's pretty dang clever. Got your attention, didn't it? Please. Pass on some more of her stuff. She's a master. Hey. At least you don't have to worry anymore about her finding out. (Except the part about the trapeze and the miniature horses. She doesn't suspect that yet.)  

  11. She is completely nuts.  Seriously.  Apparently, your mom was either listening in on one of your phone conversations or spying on you and found out about you and your boyfriend.  I think a lot of parents snoop, but a normal parent would approach it in a normal adult way. ie: sit you down, have a talk, yell at you, etc.  Writing that note was extremely weird.  I had a "nutty" mom too.  I would go to great extremes to keep her out of my business because she responded so strangely.  My older sister was my go to person.  I suggest you do the same.  Put NOTHING in writing, save nothing, lock your doors, watch what you say on the phone. I would suggest going to a counselor or someone like that, but if you do, BE SURE they will not go straight to your mom and tell her everything you said.  That happened to me and it only made things worse!!  Adults tend to believe each other instead of the kids.  Whatever you do, you need to rely on yourself to keep your distance from her.  However, you really do need to be careful what you do with boys.  You will regret a lot of it later and once it's done, you can't take it back.

  12. yep it is psycho..  

  13. You mom is trying to create an opening to talk to you about your behavior because she doesn't have the balls to just confront you. What she is doing is actually making you disrespect her authority and ability to handle her family. She needs to grow up and be a parent not a pot stirrer...

  14. It is psycho. Where's your Dad? Talk to a counselor at school or your Grand parents.

  15. Have you been acting S****y?  Maybe she wrote the letter because she thinks you would not listen to her if she tried to talk to you.  Hmm, why would she use your name and pictures?  That is weird.  Is she fooling around on your dad or are they divorced?  I think we need more info.

  16. Your mom sounds to be a real live nut job.

  17. You mother is nuts...

    Please go see your school counselor.

    Good luck.

  18. crazy instead of acting like a 7 year old child, if she has a problem with you she needs to discipline you to know whats right and wrong, not act as though she is younger than you and act so childish.

    whats wrong with her? talk to your dad about this.

  19. She wants you to turn out respectable, that`s all. She`s trying to make you see things through someone elses eyes. She loves you, go and talk to her now.  

  20. Yeah -- that's pretty messed up.  Your Mom has some issues.

    I'm sorry that you'll have to live with this woman until you're 18.  Is there anywhere else you could go stay?  Try to get out of the house as much as possible, and just avoid her, that's what I'd do.  You're free at 18, and just keep telling yourself when she is messing with you emotionally that what she is doing is wrong and not healthy -- don't fall prey to her craziness.

    You may want to consider going and seeing your school counselor or talking to your best friend's parents about this so someone can help your mother, or at least help you get away from her.

    Good luck.

  21. yep that's crazy!

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