
Is she overreacting..?

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Okay so my friend asked if she should wear eye make up for her first day of college tomorrow, I said yes because it suits her and she asked why, I said because it draws attention to how lovely her eyes are. Then she sends the message 'Thought my eyes were the only thing I didn't have to cover up'

This angered me so so much because not for one moment did I suggest that she needed to cover them up, in fact I suggested the opposite which would be to accentuate them. Am I horrible? Shouldn't I have said what I did?




  1. If the most worrying thing in your life is this insanely trivial issue, then I think you need to get some perspective on the world around you.

    For heaven's sake, lighten up.

  2. No you are not horrible, you simply told her what you thought of her eyes. There is no need to regret what you said, she just misunderstood. Try explaining to your friend what you actually meant.

  3. No you are not horrible. I think you said what you felt was true. Honesty is the key, if you thought it accenuated her eyes then it probably did. She should have took that as a compliment and not an insult. Maybe she was just having a bad day or her self-esteem is low.

  4. Well let her know that she misunderstood you then. Simple.

  5. no she sounds like ***** lol na lol oj she probley just took it the wrong way. my freinds do all the time lol

  6. She is taking it a bit too far.. Maybe she is really insecure though so try not to say anything else about it. Just say you're sorry, you didn't mean for it to come out like that cause it's not what you meant, then just leave it. and if she asks anything like that again, maybe it's best not to say anything lol

  7. No you were actually complimenting your friend. She took it the wrong way and needs to chill. : )  

  8. not to be cruel but your friend sounds like an idiot. Its not like you said i think you should put stickers over your eyes? because eye Shadow doesn't really cover your eyes does it. It does exactly what you said it brings the eyes out more making them more of a feature. I wouldn't worry she sounds like she was looking for an argument. You are defo NOT horrible.

  9. she asked if she should wear it and you said yes.... now how she took it is wrong ... if you said no think of what you might of said ... probably something negative too. .she has a self esteem issue.

  10. I think that she was overreacting. What you said was nothing wrong. She was probably just feeling self concious because first day of college is a big step from high school. Just give her some time and she will cool down.

  11. She has obviously got the wrong idea and is totally overreacting!!

  12. just say that you are going to wear it too, and you'd think it cool if you both wore it!

  13. Tell her to stop being such an idiot.
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