
Is she pregnant, i am seriously freaking out any positive info would be great?

by  |  earlier

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i had s*x for the first time and the condom broke. i did not realize until i ejaculated in her. we freaked out and went to the local drugstore and bought plan b. it was about 2 h after we had s*x that she took the plan b because we could not find a drug store that was open at 4am. do you think shes pregnant ? she should have had her period by now and that's why i am freaking out. btw we had s*x about 1 week ago. i am seriously freaking out really bad because anytime i think about what hapend and what will happen i start to shake. i have not told anyone. what should i do ?




  1. plan B is effective up to 72 hours after unprotected s*x so chances are she would not be pregnant.

    you said she should have gotten her period by now?  Well there are several reasons it might be late (including the fact that she just took a  massive dose of hormones in the plan B) stress could also cause  her to be late

    If you two are worried about it, get an over the counter pregnancy test or call a planned parenthood in your area and make an appointment.

    BTW, was she also on birth control?  I am a huge supporter of multiple forms of birth control when having s*x,  IE she takes pills AND you use a condom.

  2. i think she is still ovulating a week before her period and since you ejaculated in her there is a very high chance she can be pregnant but since she took plan b then there should be a lower rate of it.

    good luck.

  3. First of all, you need to calm down...panic won't help you now.

    Now,I'm not sure of your age, but you need to understand that there can be consequences to s*x, & you're going through one of them. I do understand that you used protection, & that it failed. Nothing is 100% against pregnancy & disease except for abstinence.

    There is a chance that if she is as upset as you are over this, & her period is late, that it could be nerves, but a pregnancy test would help ease your mind, or give you a new plan.

    Take it easy, & just calm down. Things have a way of working out.

  4. Anytime sperm enters the v****a, pregnancy can occur.

  5. You can't do anything right now. Either she is or she isn't, there really is no inbetween.

    With pregnancy tests, you have to be about 5-6 weeks along before the pregnancy test is accurate.  So you just have to wait.

    This is why we (adults) tell you (youth) TO WAIT!!!!  

    You're not in any way prepared to possible consequences of s*x!!!

  6. well.. there's a 85% chance that she can be pregnant.

  7. first off i know how you feel because me and my boyfriend had a scare a little while ago. second its a good thing that you are worried and concerned. now since she took plan b you should be okay because it can work up to 72 hours after s*x but wait another two to three weeks then buy an at home pregnancy test. if you want to know sooner then go to a hospital. their tests work after about a week. you both need to calm down and talk it over. if it turns out that she is pregnant see a doctor IMMEDIATELY.

  8. As long as she took Plan B within 72 hours, she'll be fine. Her period may take time to show as this medication really messes with periods.

    Both of you should refrain from s*x until you have BOTH gone to Planned Parenthood together and discussed pregnancy, std's and are better educated about s*x. She should also be on birth control... but its no excuse to stop using condoms. Make an appointment for both of you to go.

  9. Poor you, sorry about that. First time and condom brakes, unbelievable! I hope you'll have better luck than this in your life! She's going to have to do a pregnancy test to make sure. And you, have some patience and breathe deeply until results come in.

    good luck, maybe your gf should be on the pill or maybe change condom brands and have double protection. I think you did good by going to drugstore.

  10. Plan B is *very* effective if taken within 48 hours and should even be good at 72 hours... but it's not perfect.   Keep that in mind.

    If she's late for her period, it's *probably* because either her homones are a little out of whack from the pills (that's pretty common) or she's freaking out herself and that's delaying things.

    Be prepared, and get her a pregnancy test in about 2 to 3 weeks from now if her period hasn't shown up by then.

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