
Is she pretty??? rate 1-10 ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Yes she is

  2. Yes she is  but this was posted in the wrong section

  3. Yes.

  4. no, i don't find freckly ginger anorexic girls pretty. sorry :)

  5. wow. my friend posted these of me &i didn't really appreciate it but i guess it is a perfect way to get objective opinions on your appearance! thanks for your honesty guys &some of you are really sweet:) i know i have flaws &i'm fine with negative feedback, but seriously people, there are lines of common courtesy that just shouldn't be crossed. '' i don't think  freckly ginger anorexic girls are pretty"...what the **** is your problem? i work hard to maintain a healthy weight &i'm definitely not that skinny.i am very sorry that you have the same hair color as most of the rest of the world &seem to think it's okay to post pictures in your underwear online when you could really afford to lay off the twinkies. got news for you sweetie, that is not attractive. for future reference you can nix the smiley face when making rude comments about someone you don't know.kthanks.

    &i'm not interested in plastic surgery either. people these days.

  6. Does she have rosacea? She should see a dermatologist yuck.

  7. There are alot of pretty and beautifull women out there but rarely have I found a beautifull face and a beautifull personality combined.


    ...I thinks she is average....6 out of 10 BUT she could easily go to an 8 or even 9 if she is feminne in spirit and has beautifull personality

  8. Butter face...

    all I have to say

  9. Yes she is. =]

    And to the ppl that are saying that she needs to get plastic surgery, then **** you! They're just really insecure about themselves and probably did loads of plastic surgery themselves. Gawd, an ugly inside, is REALLY ugly. ppl prefer nice ppl rather than bi*ches.

  10. if i was still a kid yes.with me being an older guy i would definitely lock her in a closet forever.

  11. Yes she is pretty.  I hate to go all "Mom" on you, but please be careful what you put on the internet.  There are some sickos out there.

  12. Yes very pretty. I love her hair and blue eyes.

  13. 8

  14. 6...

  15. 7

  16. not at all

    eyes too close together

    large holes in her snot locker

    long face

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