
Is she putting her life & or the horses life in Danger?

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Is it dangerous to lie about riding experience just so you can ride a horse with out a guide.

My friend is going horse back riding and she lied too the horse riding company, cause she does not want anyone/guide with her and her boyfriend when she rides the horse.

If she said that she had no riding experience then the rules would be that they attend the trail ride with her & bf.

What is the worse that could happen?




  1. Worse that could happen would probably be her clenched so tight on the horse that he speeds up on the trail. Most of these companies that do group trail rides make sure that each mount is dependable, for insurance purposes alone.

    Plus, most these horses have been on the trail so many times they could do it in their sleep, and know where to stop, where they're allowed to trot or canter, and where to turn around.

    The worst thing I could imagine just because I have ridden with several trail groups and even run a summer trail group, is that she'll be sore as h**l because she didn't have someone to instruct her on proper seat and will be so tense.

  2. This is obviously dangerous and she should not do it.  That said, when I was a kid (long long ago) I always inflated my skill level to get a horse that I thought was more fun...the plugs you got otherwise were pretty boring.  Anyway, my friends and I didn't want a guide either.  What happened was many falls, full out of control gallops back to the barn, and collisions.  I'm happy to report that I survived it all even though probably any one of those events could have been a disaster!  That was back in the 50s (yes I said the 50s and i'm still here) and, around here, insurance liability has closed down most of those operations.

    I just thought I'd give you an answer that included the worst that sometimes should happen but doesn't!

  3. I'm sorry, but how totally stupid....If she becomes lost, or thrown off, or fractures a leg, has a closed head injury,  whose going to come looking for them(she and the boyfriend?).....we have this problem every year with the climbers of Mt. Hood, who ignore the weather forecast and strike out in front of an on coming storm...many have lost their lives for their own carelessness.  Yet somehow, it's always someone else's fault.  Tell her to stick with a guide, it's a whole lot safer.

  4. There is a ton of stuff that can go wrong!!! Worse case scenario she gets thrown by the horse and can die!  Riding a horse with no experience is like trying to drive a car with no experience, it's not good for anyone!  How will she handle the horse if it spooks or misbehaves?  Remember that horses are animals and you can't control what they do.  If they decide that a leaf blowing across the trail looks scary, they will spook and run if they want to.  I would recommend you talk your friend out of going by herself.  A lot of times the guides are really nice and end up making the ride more fun!  Most places won't let people go out alone anyways, it's a liability issue in case people lie to them.

  5. She could be putting both in danger. If she isn't sure what she is doing, the horse could bolt, rear, buck, she could get lost, etc. She should tell them she lied, and just tell the guide that she would appreciate a little privacy.

  6. worse could happen is the horse spooks she is thrown and then stepped on. Or she could fall off and the horse runs away. This can happen to anyone who rides a horse even with great experience. but lying will make it worse because if she cant even stear the horse they will know and most places will have you warm up ride infront of them to see how they are at handling there horses. Dont worry she hasnt lied her way into being alone with her bf and if you feel there in any danger being alone speak up to the place they are going to. She will forgive you if she finds out.

  7. Yes! She is doing a very dangerous thing! She could fall of of the horse or something could happen to the horse a she wont know what to do and then she might get into some legal trouble if the horse dies or they have to put the horse down because of a really bad injury.

  8. The worst that can happen? She will get herself killed. Or the horse or her boyfriend or innocent bystanders. Going out on trails without the proper experience and being overhorsed is dangerous in the extreme. Of course, nothing at all may happen, but she has upped the odds that something will considerably.

  9. the worse that could happen is the horse spook, she falls off and gets seriously hurt or trampled...the horse gets loose, possibly injuring itself or running away

    Yes she is putting both lives in danger.

    My barn owner MAKES everyone that wants to ride at her stables (besides boarders) take at least 1 lesson so she can make sure they know how to control the horse.

  10. the worst she dies but she lied and i don't know about your state but in texas if you die  on a horse property by horse related you forfeit all rights

  11. It's dangerous for the horse and the girl! The worse that could happen is one horse could spook, causing the other to get rallied up, and it's all down hill from there! She could fall, hit a tree, break some limbs. Hard telling!

    Then again it might go as right as rain...I would strongly disagree with her doing that and as a friend you should really talked to her...I knew a girl that knew alot about horses and a Saddle Seat Walk/Trot mare got her down when the girl was just riding her around the arena for exerise, the girl was in the hospital for 4 days and had to come in and out for another few months.

  12. Usually, commercial riding facilities try to match the person's experience with the horse.  However, most of these horses are so indoctrinated into the "trail", they take care of their riders even when they do foolish things.  Anyone who rides at a public facility has to sign a release stating that the facility is not responsible if you get hurt or worse because anything can happen with a horse.  The worst that could happen is that she could lose her life.  This is a foolish thing to do.

  13. she could get lost... or if the horse is a bad horse get hurt.. who knows?

  14. yeah its very dangerous and a lot could happen...the horse could buck, rear, spook and she could be thrown off and severely injured even killed and the horse could run off with her on him/her, she NEEDS to be honest with company or she may get badly hurt!

  15. If she has no riding experience that is SERIOUS!! She doesn't know how to handle a horse and its reaction to things, or how to even steer and control it. Its like giving someone who has never been in a vehicle a car and just letting them go off and drive

    I would contact the stable if I were you and warn them! They could lose the horse, her, or both

  16. well she could get away with it and have fun


    she could cue the horse wrong get bucked off and possibly break some bones... she could cue and the horse could take off running.. hurting her if she falls off and the horse if it accidently steps in a big hole or crashes

  17. it is dangerous, and stupid - but having worked at a rental riding string, the 'experienced' riders got put on horses that didn't want to move or go off the trail   :O)

    If they were experienced, the horse would sense it, and not give them any flack and 'move off' when asked.  If they weren't experienced like they said, they got a nice walk around the trail....Hah!

    Horseback riding is a dangerous sport a best, without lying about your experience - one should never intentionally place themselves, others, and the horses at risk by lying about their skill level.

  18. it could go perfectly fine....... It could also turn into a disaster.   If they put her on a horse thats a little rowdy if the horse spooks over something he could bolt, rear, etc.  She could get seriously hurt.

  19. Hi,

    Well we have people tack their own horse, since as you see everyone says they are "experienced!"  As soon as they start attempting to saddle a horse incorrectly we know that they lied and know nothing.

    To answer your question the worst that could happen is that they could die or the horses.  You said the worst.

    Otherwise they could get thrown and the horses could run off.

    You have to remember they are not trying to put a damper on your plans by having these rules they are trying to protect people.  Its also a matter of liability for the company.

    Your friend shouldn't have lied.

    They will FIND OUT Right AWAY!  If she said that they are experienced riders, they are not going to help them mount and so forth, so good luck to them!

    NOT to mention, it isn't VERY relaxing or fun to be on a large unpredictable horse, if you are clueless and they give you a more advanced horse.  Horses are NOT stupid, MANY of them love to take advantage of riders that don't know how to cue them properly!

    Hope I helped!

  20. Ummm.... Nothing could happend but if she has no riding experence and she pulls back the horse could rear or the horse could take off and leave her.......   But then again she could be perfectly fine too.....

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