MY GF and I were together for 2 years (no children of OUR own)
My GF felt like her own mother abandoned her and her 2 sisters when they were children because her father was physically abusing her mom. Her mom ran from her dad for 19 years. She left my GF and her 2 sisters with various family members so they could have a more stable life and finish school until she was able to come back and get them.
Her mom eventually remarried but the stepfather tried to rape my GF.
She is 33 years old with 2 kids by 2 different guys. Both of these guys joined forces to get custody of his child and won. One daughter is on the west coast (she’s only seen her once since she was taken from her) and the other daughter was here in the state with us and we had her every other weekend and on holidays.
My GF is so SPOILED she stinks! When I met her, she didn’t have a job – wouldn’t keep the little part times she did have. Therefore she is not really doing anything for herself or more importantly her kids.
I caught her emotionally cheating (online relationship) with this guy back in December…begged me to forgive her – said she would never do it again so I forgave her.
We had a huge fight in May (unrelated to this guy) but I learned the next day she was still communicating with him.
Two weeks after our fight she ran off to GA to try and clear her head and figure out what she wanted to do.
She left behind the one daughter she could see whenever she wanted (she just left the child in her sleep and went to GA).
The online guy also lives in GA just in a different city – but not far.
Two weeks after she gets to GA I found out this guy proposed and she accepted. She didn’t even tell me – I had to find out from someone else.
She admitted to me that when she is hurt or confused, she runs (just like her mom – runner’s complex).
She knows she has low self esteem (she thinks it has to do with her physical appearance but you and I know it’s not the outside that’s the problem).
She also acknowledges she makes impulsive and sometimes rash decisions without thinking and she does – I’ve seen it several times throughout the relationship, this is just one example.
She admits she’s a people pleaser and doesn’t like for anyone to be mad at her.
I told her that I would always be here for her because I know she has been through a lot.
She has since moved out from her family’s house in GA and has moved out on her own and now supposedly has a job.
She says she is confused about this other guy and doesn’t know what caused her to accept his proposal. She says she’s having reservations.
She’s apologized a thousand and one times. She says she still loves me and misses me and wants to see me when she comes into town in a couple of weeks (but she is going back to GA).
BUT knowing all this, she is still wearing this guys ring and has not made an attempt to come back if for nothing else her daughter.
Everyone here probably agrees she needs some form of counseling…more help than any of her friends or I could give her. I think she knows it too but she’s going to try and work them out on her own. So even though she hurt me by lying, cheating and deceiving me I have this question. Should I take this personal: I mean is she REALLY that emotionally unstable that’s causing all this drama or is she’s smarter than I’m giving her credit for and knows exactly what she’s doing?
Sorry this is so long. Thanks for listening to me vent.