
Is she too old and does she like me??

by  |  earlier

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i turned 15 in july and then went on holiday with family and friends. i have been bisexual for a year and when i went on holiday i met a girl i really liked. from the second of meeting her i knew i liked her. id never had a girlfriend but wanted to try it. she lives in london and me in wales and since being back for 3 months i miss her really bad! i talk to her on facebook but she keeps messing me about like saying were together and then not talking for ages. but this isnt the problem. the problem is she is 28 and has a 7 year old son. it doesnt really bother me but my parents arent happy at all and dont want me to meet her, the thing is i have terrible anxiety and could never handle going to london but if she came here then i dont know where she'd stay. i dont want to just give up as i really like her! please help!!!




  1. Well, just the fact that a 28 year old would be interested in in a 15 year old boy scares me to death right there. I'm a Mum of four children and if a 28 year old woman was interested in my son who will be 18 in a few weeks i would have a few choice words. you are 15 and very young for someone that age to be even hanging out with you. she needs to act her age, and you need to be with kids your own age. there is someone out there for you, you just need to wait and find them. dont let this woman confuse you in love. she doesn't love you, she just wants to be able to brag about being with a 15 year old and use you, dont let this happen. just wait and see.someone will come along who loves you for being you, and your age that is right for you.

  2. Wow i dont want to sound judgemental or anything but she is alot older than you. You should make sure that you are really talking to who she says she is.. If you think you really like her you should just continue talking to her through email and phone just to make sure that you guys have things in common ( which i really dont know what tyou two would have in common)... Why not date someone around your age? I am a L*****n also...Try this website:

    There are lots of women to meet, maybe one around your age and area...

    Good Luck...

  3. Yes, she's too old. Good grief. If she likes you in a romantic way, the woman has serious personal issues. The word "pedophile" comes to mind.

  4. Yeah, she's too old. That "girl" is a woman with a child. Find a girl your own age.

  5. She is far too old for you I hate to say, you can be friends, but don't set up trying to see her as you would just be setting yourself up for disappointment.

  6. This is totally your choice, but I think your to young to be going out with someone 13 years older than you when you are only 15. If you are really smitten, wait a few years but thats a lot.

  7. i think ur parents r right...ik thts not what u want to hear...but thts my opinion.

    she is to old, and the son thing just tops it offf....i am sorry

  8. yes she is too old need to find someone you own age..thats a 13 year difference..when your older its not so bad but your a minor and YES she can still go to jail if she touches you

  9. I never liked this Bisexual thing! It's biologically inconsistent and biochemically impossible. It's merely a state of mind! But to answer your question, don't even think about it , if she has any common sense she won't warp her child's mind with sexual misappropriations!  

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