
Is she too young? she's just a baby!!!?

by Guest57834  |  earlier

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My daughter is only 5 years old and I have went into her bedroom unannounced on several occasions to fnd her "playing with herself". I know that I cant monitor her all the time but I don't even know what to say to her. Is masturbation common in 5 year olds or is she just exploring her body? She does it a lot and my husband doesn't believe me. What should I do?




  1. that is kind of creepy.......

  2. dont worry my sister is 2 and she sits in her carseat all the time pushing into the buckle! its just what she does. shes totally normal two year old besides that. i wouldnt worrie its a total lie that only teens and adults get the urge

  3. Believe me, this is completely normal. As long as she isn't obsessive or doing it in front of other people, I think she's fine. Even little babies sometimes play in their diaper.

  4. Yes it's common. Partly curiosity, and partly because even for children it feels good. The only time you should even mention it is if she is doing it where people would see her, and then only to say that she needs to go to a private place.

  5. This is common, U might want to talk to her about not doing it in public, but other than that plz don't scar her by making this a big deal!

  6. chalk it up to normal exploration of her body.  if it becomes an unhealthy amount maybe take her to a counselor and see if she has been touched inappropriately, but many kids her age start exploring their bodies.

  7. Totally normal, although I know it's hard for you to think about, and certainly even harder to have seen.

    Don't tell her it's wrong or make her feel uncomfortable, but take the opportunity to explain that she should only do that at home, in private, and that she is the only one who should touch her that way, etc.

  8. She's just exploring.  She doesn't understand s*x yet, to her it just feels good.  Talk to her about not doing it in front of other people.  But, it's a normal phase that a lot of kids go through and she won't hurt herself in any way.

  9. totally normal. Uncomfortable for us as parents to catch them doing, but yes, normal. I just tell my daughter it is private and should never be shown or done in public or to anyone else. Now that i've made that point, if I catch her doing it I just ignore it.

  10. will im not really sure ill just say that she's exploring her self and not sure of what she's doing unless she saw something on tv that she shouldnt have but ask her where did she get that at just ask her little things nothing to big like why she's doing that maybe she'll tell you . do she like jump or anything when you see her or she keep going like nothings wrong ??

  11. it is normal for her to start masturbating, she's starting to get those feelings.  I wouldn't worry about it to much, my little cousin used to do it at that age, but come to think of it now she lives in a trailer park, HEY!!!  you better stop that kid from masturbating or she will end up in a trailer park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. kids r unique in every way i think it is natureral

  13. I've been doing it since I can remember. I remember it felt good but certainly didnt understand why or how. My mom busted me once... or maybe more and she just never made a big deal of it.

    When she's about 9 or 10, that's when you should have a talk about anatomy and body changes she can expect. There's books on that written especially for girls. If you have an open relationship, she may even bring it up herself. I just had this talk with my daughter.

  14. It's normal, nothing to worry about it as long as she's not doing it around other people. She doesn't know what it is and it isn't any indication of early sexual activity when she's older.

  15. she is exploring her body.  Do not make her feel like something is wrong w/ her for doing it.  I would ignore it unless it happens around other people or it public.  If that happens, calmly and matter-of-factly tell her that that is something that is done in private.  Don't give her the impression she is the only one doing it.  Ignore it if it's just in the privacy of her bedroom.

  16. I guess it's normal, but you should check and make sure she's not getting bad ideas from outside sources, like the Internet. I don't think it's common, but I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

    If I were you, I would briefly explain about "boy's private parts" and "girl's private parts" and that your body is a beautiful thing but people like to keep their private parts to themselves until they are very old, like you (no offense she probably thinks you are very old, just not grandma-old). Don't get too much into puberty or s*x yet, only say your private parts and the rest of your body changes as you get older.

    A helpful thing to explain private parts is "the bathing suit rule." Girls wear bathing suits that cover all their private parts, and bikinis demonstrate this the best, while boys' bathing suits only cover all of their private parts. The only people who can look at your private parts are you, and sometimes the doctor or your parents.

    Don't worry about your daughter, as long as she is just masturbating.

  17. just leave her to get on with it she'll grow out of it and then if she has anything wrong at least she'll no her own body

  18. my little cousin did that when she was that age; its pretty common for little kids to do that they are just exploring their body. dont worry about it.

  19. That is VERY common in younger children! They figure out what happens when they 'play' and they don't know what it is or what it means, they just think it feels good.

  20. Do nothing.  masturbation is quite normal in younger children.  She has probably been doing in since toddlerood.  Masturbation is very normal.  I'll bet even YOU do it.

  21. she is just exploring kids do this as young as 2

  22. lol well i know i used to do that when i was little, my mom tells me these stupid embarrassing stories, she used to call it the nasty thing lol, but yea just talk to her and tell her thats not something we do

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