
Is she worth it?

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ok i really want this friesian mare let me no wut u think is she worth it???? i have a great trainer withh lots of foal expirience and i watched her saddle train a 2 year old colt within 30 minutes with full weight on him

anyways here is the link:





    sorry if i spelt anything wrong

    i say what  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Â¼ Juliane ☼ says

  2. Worth what? You never said....

    She is gorgeous though!!!

  3. Eh... I don't really like her. I LOVE Frisians but to be honest, shes not a great example of the breed.

    I don't like her head or  how her neck 'sits', she's long backed... Eh... Just don't really like the way she's put together.

  4. Have you seen her in person?  She's got the looks.  

    Horses have their own personalities.  If you can see her in person she will let you know if she's the one for you.

    A lot of people forget about personalities.

    Just like people, some horses will click with you and some won't.  

    I know some of you think I am crazy but I have had horses all my life (i'm 48) and this is the truth.

    Horses can communcate with you if you listen.

  5. Wow, I can't believe how many people would buy that horse just based on looks.  That's the worst way to make a decision on a horse..."because she's pretty."  You can't ride looks.

    Besides, her head and neck don't fit her body at all, and I don't like her eye.  

    I think that's a ripoff, personally.  Almost $10K for an untrained horse?  Give me a break.  That horse could step in a hole the day you got it home and break a leg and that would all be down the drain.  There are a lot of nicer horses out there for cheaper.  Take that $10k and put it toward college, or toward caring for the cheaper horse for a year or two.  That really is a waste of money.  And people paying those prices just feed into that ridiculous market.

  6. very long in the back and i don't like her head. i love the bulky fresian head. she has heaps of filling out to go, but i don't like her

  7. shes as pretty as a picture and looks like she moves real well. from what i can see, she looks like an awesome horse

  8. that is the stupidest question! lol

    that is a goregous horse! she is beautiful! she is probably worth every freakin penny! i would take her if i had the money for her and board for another horse. goregous animal!

  9. Omg she looks gorgeous! Definitely worth it!

  10. w0w. defff.

    if u have a good trainer tht can make this beautiful horse just as beautiful to ride, then i say if u hve the money, GO for it.

    she is STUNNING.

  11. yeah go ahead and get her

  12. I have friends who breed Friesians, and the best deal they would give me on one was $10,000.00 when it "hit the ground" and I'd pay for it's keep until it could be weaned.

    So the price is in the right ball park.  I would not use a trainer who has not worked with friesians...... they don't begin any saddle training until their horses are at least 4 years old. I would get more information on the handling and training of Friesians to be sure it meets your needs.

  13. I would totally get her!!!!  She is definately worth that and more!  Scoop her up quick before someone elses does!

    Name:  Bella Sera - Beautiful Evening in Italian ruined by stupid kids trading cards online game...

    My puppy is named Bella Sera (Bella) :)

  14. Beautiful horse! If you have the money go for it he would make a beautiful horse for anything! Though you could buy a horse with full training for less.

    Wait... a 2 year old colt undersaddle with full weight!!?

  15. SHE IS STUNNING what a beautiful horse, i would be expecting to pay a whole lot for her! AROUND 10,000

  16. She looks like a good horse in everything, but i would never pay that much much for any horse.

  17. Yes  here  are  some  names  to  help.Saddle  Blackbeauty

    Midnight  Moonlight  Powderpuff.It  is  a  geart  idea.May  

    I add  she  is  gorgeous.Want  like  $5 000.

  18. She is a beautiful, well bred mare. Most fillies are higher priced than her. She looks like a nice mover. If you are looking for a Friesian, she is priced well. I have a yearling colt. He was imported in-uteuro. He was in the $10,000 range. It is a fairly average price. Even with the market being so bad, she is still priced very well. Her sire is a VERY nice stud. Black Sterling has a very good reputation as a breeder. I would not hesitate on buying her at that price. I doubt she will be on the market for long. The fillies aways go fast. Most go for $12,000+ as weanlings. She is of the lighter more modern type, but that's what I prefer. :) She looks like she will be a great all around horse.

  19. she is gorgeous ! most deffianly more than 9 thousand dollars, i would buy her for that though !

  20. I think she is beautiful, but what is your question?

    Is she worth the money? depends on the money and your finances but I know that friesians go for alot of money, and if you could afford without going into debt then I think it is worth it.

    Is she worth getting without her being broke? I would say so, I think the ground work and breaking a horse make a special bond that you don't get right off the bat with a horse that is already broke when you got it. And also you can ensure that the horse is broke the right way. Gentle, slow, and easy...

    So if either one of those were your questions then I would say yes. I would LOVE to have a friesian and I plan to own one some day. Right now I am happy with my 1 1/2 year quarter horse.

    Good luck!

  21. How old?  She looks quite young.  If she is, then $10,000 sounds about right for her providing she is registered.  She is cute, very typey and very "nouveau friesian" in that she is fine boned, more fine boned than her mama, it seems.  A lot of people prefer the lighter builds over the heavier ones nowadays.  Her neck isn't my favorite, but it is very typical for a friesian to be built that way.  She looks like she has good movement and a nice friesian trot (it's insanely comfortable to ride)!  If she is a young, registered filly, then I think $10,000 is a fair price.  What do you plan on doing with her?

    EDIT:  I do have to agree with some others, though - I don't like her head.  Seems that a lot of friesians these days have little pig eyes.

      And yes, everyone, $10 grand for a young untrained horse is a LOT of  cash and I'd personally never spend it - but this is a friesian we're talking about.  It's automatically going to be in the five digit range.  $10,000 is pretty fair for her lines.

  22. how old is the horse?

    and do you really want to ride a young horse with full weight? if you do i think we should let kids who are 10 years old go out and work full time jobs.

    i dont think that this type of horse for this use is fully developed at the age of two.

    if i bought the horse i'd take it, work on ground work and not think about riding it till it was 3-4 years old. . . rushing a horse into training is going to rush the horse to lameness/shorter riding life. . . horse can be ridden up to and past 30 IF you take care of them, and it's owners starting them too young and messing up their bodies by pulling a full weight adult on the young horse that makes their riding life shorter.

    do what you want, your going to anyway.
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