
Is sheriff joe arpaio a good sheriff?

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Is sheriff joe arpaio a good sheriff?




  1. I worked in a jail for a while, my sheriff talked with Sheriff Joe and changed some of our policies at hour jail.  We used to be invovled with fighting the inmates atleast every 2 days if not once a day.  After the changes from Sheriff Joe we would go about 5-7 days before we would have to fight a inmate, he has great tactics and control.  I wish he would run for president.  If you are not a criminal you will love this man for actually having the gall to do his job to his best ability.

  2. No..

  3. Yes!

  4. He is an inspiration to all of us in law enforcement. More Sheriffs should follow his lead.

  5. I have a friend who works for him at tent city and he said that they are the lowest paid Law Enforcement in Phx and have a very high turnover. He likes the harshness of everything and the officers do to. I think he rocks and every jail should do the same. You want to act stupid and be a nuisance to society than you can wear pink panties and pick up trash.

  6. He is keeping it real. Guess that kind of reputation prevents a lot of crime. Even I would stay out of Joe's town. Only Judge Roy Bean did it better, they say. Wish he was head cop in LA LA Land.

  7. Maybe? But then why can't other sheriffs follow his lead?

  8. He's enforcing the law.  That's his job.  Other than that, I don't know anything about him, but I assume he is a good sheriff.

  9. I watched a documentary about a woman's prison in arizona that he was in charge of.  It said that 40% of female offenders do not return to prison...So, yeah.  I think that makes him good.

  10. No, he's nothing but an overage bully.  His infamous "underwear march," "tent city," "green bologna," and other jail atrocities make me ill.  Also, he craves media attention and has never accounted for the money he made from selling his pink underwear.

  11. He is currently being investigated by the FBI for misappropration of funds,he has several lawsuits against him(the state) that the taxpayers are burdened with,he has stomped every civil right of the law abiding citizen,his jails are unorganized,filthy and inhumane ,most offenders are in there for child support,dui or petty crimes.He has the state in millions of dollars in debt  profiling and chasing illegals leaving the more heinous crimes ignored.He is at odds with almost every county/government official,and the governor turned alot of his power/budget to DPS.No he is not a good sheriff/person,he is just a big bully with media addictions.

  12. Sounds suspiciously like an exoffender is answering somewhere above me here, but I will add just a little more truth in my post.

    Sheriff Joe took Phoenix Arizona and turned it from the murder capital of the state into a county that citizens are able to walk the streets at night and be safe.

    He has incorporated some truly innovative concepts of law enforcement that have proven to be incredibly successful, such as his 800 man civilian posse of radio armed watchers. No powers of arrest. They simply report activities and the police take care of business.

    He was featured on 20/20 and he made a public statement to the USA. "If you want to commit a crime, dont do it in my county" and he means it.

    No one will consider trying to run against him as Sheriff. He wins by public landslide and the citizens and taxpayers love him.

    For the first time in 30 years, Phoenix is a safe place to live, work and raise children.

    I cant praise the efforts and results he has made high enough and I truly wish more law enforcement throughout the country would emulate his tactics.

    This is my personal opinion, but it is based on my profession and my own personal experiences.

    I hope this helps and is useful to you

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