
Is shooting a mockingbird illegal?

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In the book, "To Kill a Mockingbird," the qoute “Well, it’d sort of be like shootin’ a mockingbird, wouldn’t it?” (---Jean Louise Finch [Scout]) I believe is describing how you aren't supposed to kill a mockingbird but this "Mockingbird," aka Bob Ewell, killed himself on accident.

Can you give me your best interpretation of this quote?

“Well, it’d sort of be like shootin’ a mockingbird, wouldn’t it?”




  1. In Mississippi, it is illegal to kill a mockingbird.  It's our state bird.

  2. Bob Ewell is not the "mockingbird" referenced in the quote.  He's the bad guy who tried to hurt Jem & Scout in an attempt to seek revenge on Atticus.  

    Earlier in the book, it is said that it's a sin to kill a mockingbird, because a mockingbird doesn't do any harm to anybody and what it does do is give everyone the beautiful sound of its music.  

    Boo Radly is like the mockingbird, because he doesn't do any harm to people. He was very reclusive because he had suffered at the hands of his father.  But in spite of that he had left presents for the children and had saved them from Bob Ewell.  That is why it was decided to rule Bob Ewell's death as an accident by his own hand, so Boo Radley wouldn't have to step into the limelight of a public trial, even though he would have been successfully defended. Boo Radley's vulnerability was protected.

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