
Is showing your ribs unhealthy?

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I'm average size, I'm not fat, not thin, but when i stretch up with my arms over my head every single one of my ribs stick out and it doesn't look nice. Is that healthy? I would show a picture but its hard when you can only really see it with a bikini top on or nothing on. Sorry




  1. It may show a sign of leading to anerexia. But you may want to ask your parents or a doctor.

  2. If your stretching I assume it is ok.  If they show when in normal posture (ie. Angelina Jolie or Paris Hilton) then it is indicative of underweight...and it looks nasty.

  3. no not unless you are like that when you dont strectch

  4. no its fine

  5. Well, I would say if you have to stretch your arms to make them show, and they don't show when your relaxed, then you probably don't have anything to worry about.

  6. usually, that's not a very good sign.

    but when its only when you are stretching i suppose thats fine.

  7. Its not a sign of leading to anorexia, like the other person said, anorexia is dietting/starving to lose weight.

    Its normal for anyone to show their ribs, as long as you havent starved yourself to get that way, dont worry about it. Many girls would love to be in your position :)

  8. Well if you only show themwhen you stretch out, then it`s okay.

  9. if youre average than youre fine, as long as they dont show all the time i think youre ok

  10. no, i think its healthy, as long as you eat right then there should be no reason that its unhealthy to you.

    and to be honest, i wish mine were like that!

  11. no i guess not it's just how your body is made if you are really worried ask your Doctor  

  12. when you stretch your ribs will show if you are average size or thin...

    even when i was 9 months pregnant you could see my ribs - when i wasn't stretching.  i was perfectly healthy, so was baby... every body is different.

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