
Is sin, God's remedy?

by Guest56123  |  earlier

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for keeping heaven from being over populated ?

Remember, those found worthy live "eternally" so evidently heaven can not accomodate "everyone."




  1. Ha too bad heaven or god isnt real

  2. No its not

  3. dont believe in him, so dont care

  4. Well, I'm pretty sure that, since "heaven" isn't on the physical plane, that there is infinite (always enough) room in heaven.  If God is so wise as to create this Universe, then he/she probably is smart enough to come up with a better solution than to send people to 'h**l" in order to save space.  Remember, space is on the physically realm. After we die, we are no longer physical beings, so whatever happens is in the "spiritual realm".  Time and space don't apply there.  

  5. Sin is a social construct. If you sin, you basically commit an action that isn't inherently bad, but rather somehow detrimental to the society, rather than yourself. For example, stealing bread is detrimental to the society but to you it's quite beneficial. Yet it is a sin.

    You have to find the middle way of balancing your own goals with those of the society in which you live. That balance will then be your own personal morality. But don't let others tell you what it should be.

  6. No Heaven can accommodate everyone, if space is what you're speaking about.

    Sin is what keeps people out of Heaven, not lack of space.

    The sacrifice of Jesus Christ, when He died on the Cross and rose from the grave after three days and three nights, pays the penalty for those who place their faith in this sacrifice.  So all who accept the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ will make Heaven their eternal home and there will e plenty of room.

  7. You are right, but sin is not His remedy. His remedy is

    Jesus Christ. He wants people to fellowship with, not sinners, He is too Holy to fellowship with sinners.

    Matthew 7:13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy [1] that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

    Few Will enter. There is a lot of fake Christians out there.
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