
Is singapore good place to settle for foreigners - pros and cons ?

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I am indian an is looking singpore as prospective place to settle. Any comments and information will be helpful.




  1. ....welcome to the 3rd most crowded country and 5th most expensive asian city in the world.....

    ...i guess the lady already explain the gist of it.....

  2. pro: the governemt will take care of u

    cons: singaporeans dont welcome u

  3. pros:

    +Nice modern city

    +A lot of indians around, so you won't feel out of place

    +Indian food easily available, especially if you require special diet, jain/vegetarian

    +High standard of living

    +High education standard

    +Honest and non-corrupt government

    +Super duper clean city

    +Very safe country, you can go out alone at 3am and feel safe

    +There's Mustafa centre... you will love it there..


    - High cost of living

    - Lots of taxes and cabs are rather expensive

    - Its a busy city, and it never sleeps

    - People only think of work work and more work

    - They forget how to relax and take things slow

    - Its rather crowded, especially if you go shopping or dining out on weekends

  4. Totally agree with the first answer !

    Addition: S'pore is a very fair country. If you work hard you have $, if you don't work, you have nothing. No social benefits. You need to take care of your own life (+ your parents + children's lives) until you die.

  5. Stay in India.  I heard that India is way cleaner than China.    

  6. Singapore is a good place to settle for the rich.

    Typical middle-income S'porean life:

    -Go to school, waste 2yrs in military (2.5yrs in my case)

    -Go to school some more, cos can't get job w/o degree.

    -Get a job, get married, buy a house. (Fall into mortgage trap)

    -Work your *** off to pay off mortgage, have children, buy a car(over-priced)

    -Retire only to realise that they have changed the CPF payout system, yet again.

    -65yrs old, go work in McD's or mop the floor at the airport or clear tables at foodcourt for S$5.50/hr.

    -S$2000 in bank on the day you die... if you're lucky.

    "Retirement" for low & middle class S'poreans is a myth. And soon S'poreans might even start to see the "working poor" phenomenon & diminishing middle class which is happening in USA & Japan.

  7. .If you are bringing your india bad habit and bad culture, don't come.

    If you speak good english without twisting and come with at least $1mil. we welcome you.

  8. if you are coming then where should the singaporean be going? going to india?

  9. singapore is a lousy place to live. why would u want to live with chinese people? they are dirty and uneducated. u will have no freedom of speech, press or voice. why would u want to live on a tiny island where u can die in a tsunami at any time?

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