
Is sinning accidental or is it spontanous?

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do we mean to do sin or not? are we in control? how do we control sinning?




  1. Sinning sometimes can't be controlled. But are all sins bad? Little white lies for example. If you lie about something small to make a person feel better, is that the right thing to do or is it still a sin because you lied? People have limits. We're meant to error so I believe in the long run, sin is actually planned by God. We're supposed to sin or we never learn.

  2. I think it is more spontaneous, after all, most of us know what a sin is and if something is wrong, but yet we still choose to take the risk. So, no, i dont think it is accidental. We are in control of whether we sin or not and must have the willpower to decide not to...

  3. Well, according to religion, we have got guiding laws(commandments) so if you go against any of them, then you are sinning, meaning that, we do it spontaneousily, due to our inability to control our senses.

    Thanks for asking

  4. we were born into sin so it is a natural way of life. but people can make the decision to choose a godly way of life doing everything in moderation and follow christ' way of life....for he was truly unsinful! (pray, read the bible, spread the gospel and attend church!) then you will have no need to "control" yourself! there are many sins but if you are a beliver in christ your spirit will be rid of any urge to are you a beliver!

  5. The word sinning means ``missing the mark`` or target.

    Target for a person means one`s ``aim``.

    Simply put it is as if one wanted to travel from New York to Miami.

    Miami would be the mark or target.

    Now if you found out that you were about to arrive to Chicago, how would you feel?  Not good, right?

    That would be an example of sinning and you would know it because of how it felt.  That is an emotion and emotions are there to let you know how you are doing, how you are progressing toward your goal, because your inner self has the best view of both what it is that you really want and how you are doing, so to speak.

    Any time someone tells you to fight against something, anything, they are giving you very bad advice and if you are paying for that advice, so much the worse for you.  That includes governments, religions, cults, groups of any kind, parents even.  Why?  Because when we think about a subject a lot, we attract the subject and if the subject is something which is not wanted, it is attracted into our life and since it really is not what we want, then we feel the unhappy emotion.

    That is something which is really useful to keep in mind when one is less than happy.  It is time to find out what a better direction is or a better aim or goal sometimess before one gets too far off course.  Simple? Yes!  Easy?  Not always.  Life is supposed to be fun, so enjoy!

  6. ...its a self generated default...

  7. Abolish the arbitrary definitions.

  8. I believe one should free themselves from the christian concept of sinning,it threatens a life with self-awareness and honesty,amongst other things.

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