
Is skateboarding easy?!!?!?

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what are some basic tricks a bigginer can learn?

is skateboarding fun?

how long do you think it will take for me to be average or good at doing tricks like kickflips, manuals, and pop shuv its?

what are the best skateboard brands out there?




  1. its easy when u finally kno how to ride it.

    yea, it looks fun :)

    it mite take u 2-3 months

  2. How about the Frontside 180 I'll give you some instructions on how to do the trick

    1. You will need moderate speed for this trick. Speed aids the aspect of turning 180 degrees.

    2. Put your feet in ollie position

    3. Pop an ollie and as your front foot slides up to your nose, turn your body to your heel(or frontside).

    4. It is essential to turn your body fast.

    5. Land straight!

    6. When doing this trick, be confident, it helps.

  3. Skate Boarding is very fun but you have to work on it every day to ever get good. If you are on your skate board every day you could easily learn to do basic tricks in a week. Skate boarding is easy to learn but hard to get better at.

  4. dude i`m a girl but from my point of view,

    Skateboarding=AWESOME it`s my life. i just started last year n im pretty good at it now. the frist trick i learned which is also the basic trick in skateboarding is the ollie.

    it`s really simple. u can visually see how to do one by searching it on

    and my favorite brand is VOLCOM. yehhh it`s the best brand.

    but if u dont like it there`s other brands like






    and much more. well i hope that helped.x_x

  5. depends what kind of person you are

    if you are really bold and hardcore then it is your thing

    learn to ollie and just take off from there

    it might take from a month to a year to learn a kickflip- it took me forever when i first tried it

    i would advise not to buy skateboards at places like MC Sports and dunhams because they are mostly cheap. if you live by a skateshop, the "store brand" boards there should be at least decent- and probably less that a normal deck.

    skateboarding is fun

  6. Im not going to lie, skateboarding is tough.  Once you start, you'll relize that youre not going to be bragging about your skills for a while.  The ollie take you a couple to actually get down.  Tricks you may want to learn are shuvits and shuvit variations.  These are fun and kept me occupied during my first few months of skating.  As for learning, to kickflip and pop shuvit, it took me a long time.  Like 6 months.  But its different for everybody.  If you skate every day, and practice constantly, it may come sooner.  For brands, you always want a good pair of shoes.  I recomend Fallen's.  Expensive, but will last you at least half a year of good skating.  For your set-up, I would suggest a Girl deck, Royal trucks and spitfire wheels.  Have fun learning to Skate!!!

  7. Skateboarding is one of the hardest sports out there. You really have to have guts and want it in order to get good. You have to start loving it. There is no way around it.

    Skatinf is hard, and thats why its always so impressive. Some things i used to do in order to practice better

    * learn to skate with your whole body, use your hands like they did in the 70's

    *Skate everywhere all the time.

    *Learn how to tighten and loosen your trucks. expirament with it and make it comfortable for you

    *Buy two decks (the wooden part) Tell yourself to just tear the first board apart. Ride on the tail constantly. grind it as much as possible. ollie so hard that the tail gets looser, Land hard. Mainly, dont be scared of it and dont let the idea of ruining your board be an excuse for fear.

    Lastly, try skating onto the grass from the pavement, It will slow you down and let you learn how to tuck your head and fall if you need to.

    Learning to fall is essential.

    Be brave bold robot.

    ps; Make it a point to get your hands dirty.

  8. easiest trick would be a shove it

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