
Is skim milk bad for you?

by Guest63372  |  earlier

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I drink about 1 Gallon of skim milk per day. Is it bad for you in this amount? Doesn't it do the body good?




  1. skim milk is really good for you

  2. You only need 3 eight oz. glasses. Anything more is just extra calories and the body can't absorb all the calcium. Too much calcium can deplete the body of other minerals as well.

  3. its bad when your drinking that much

  4. yeh, it is very good for you. i do not know exactly what it does to you though.

  5. ok

  6. Pasteurized milk, whether whole or skim, contains negligible absorbable nutrients, besides water and some amount of butter fat, and whatever vitamin fortifications are added. Some cows are also fed or injected with hormones to increase milk production, and those hormones also find their way into the milk.

    Raw milk contains a full range of enzymes required for absorbing the nutrients in milk, but those are killed by pasteurization. So what was once one of the most nutritious foods available from Bessie the cow on the family farm, is now little more than another nutritional deception.

    In your case, I would say that it is at least a good vehicle for you to be getting a good amount of water that you need every day. Aside from that, unless you become lactose intolerant, it shouldn't be causing you any harm.

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