
Is sleeping late affect your health?

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Lets say i just sleep at 6 or 5 am and wake up like at 3 or 4 pm in the afternoon.. would that have any affect in health??

all i need to know is if sleeping late everyday of summer affect someone's health?




  1. it may not affect your health but it certainly affects everything else. it throws your body way off schedule. you will be extremely exhausted when school starts. you will not have the same eating patterns either. you will not want to eat until later in the day...    

  2. yes it does anyway you like it or not.

    its affects your health beacause it causes you to have faints or too weak.

    you could sleep before maybe 1:00. But when you get tired go to sleep or you'll have a faint.

  3. it will make you feel stressed or sleepy during the day time,you wont be active.that's all i know for now.i suggest do do a quick research on google.

  4. Not if you have a proper diet and get some exercise.  After all, night shift workers do this all the time.

    However, it's probably not a good idea to do this for an extended period of time.  If night shirt workers usually change shifts or take a break from the odd hours from time to time.  It can be a bit rough on the body for an extended period of time.

  5. I wouldn't think so.

  6. It's summmmmmmmmmmmer.

  7. it makes u kinda lazy.

    and yes because the best goodnight sleep is in the night only :)

  8. well it messes up your body's cycle. if you have to go back to school, your gonna have a problem.  because your whole biological clock will be flipturned. so it is bad for you, just try to get back on track the last week of summer. start goin to bed at about 1, then 12, 11, then 10. and try to get up when its still morning.

  9. no, i don't think. But if your going back to school soon i would try to break the habit, other wise its hard to fall asleep, also, it wastes the whole day away!!

  10. not really because your still getting your 8-9 hours of sleep. but you should really sleep on the right hours.  

  11. it can if u dont get a good will sleep if ur not sleeping like for at less 6 hours ur body can slowey hurt if udo spourts or other and u wont get the rite work out

    but if u jues sit around an do games i wode say try to at less get 6 hours of sleep a day

    but its up to u

  12. That's still just 9-11 hours of sleep.  It's not like you're sleeping 12+ hours a day.  I wouldn't worry about it.  As long as you get some kind of exposure to the sun once in a while, it's no big deal.

  13. no lol y would it thats something parents tell their unruly kids

  14. no, it doesnt. In as much as you can compensate for it the next day, there shouldnt be a problem. As a matter of fact, you can regulate your sleep patterns i.e turn day into night. its fun

  15. It will change your internal clocks indubitably.. Trust me! I have a week left 'till school and i've been trying to go 2 sleep at like 10 or 11 pm but i can't get to sleep!!

  16. No,

    sleeping less than 6 hours for a long period of time would affect your health.  

  17. It can s***w up your circadian cycle, and if you aren't careful, make you deficient in vitamin D.

    As long as you're consistent in when you sleep, and sleep a full 8 hours (more or less depending on the person) when you sleep is less important than how you sleep.

    However, if by sleeping during this time you never spend anytime out in the sun, you risk becoming deficient in Vitamin D.  Because your skin metabolizes vitamin D for you, unless you spend between 15-30 minutes a day (can be broken up) in the sun, you risk developing a deficiency over time (Depending on your location, depression rises in the overall population because of this in Winter).

    So, you can sleep when you want and when you can, just make sure to grab some light when you wake up before being the nightowl you are.  (On the same note, tanning beds are extremely poor substitutes.  They might feel good, and may help you get over the vitamin D deficiency, but they also cost more, and put you at greatly increased risk for melanoma by using significantly more radiation than what normal sunlight consists of.)

  18. no as long as you sleep for atleast 8 hours at the same time everyday it doesn't matter

  19. No, this is not effecting your health. The important thing is that you're getting sleep. The only problem might be when you go back to school you might have something like jet lag from sleeping at different times.  

  20. yea. when you sleep late, you grow pimples and acne all around your body and also it makes you grow eyebags

  21. it doesn't matter just as long as you have the required amount of sleep every day  

  22. i think you coued find that health info at

    i know i sleep alot late and some times i fell tired when i get up i dont know but the link up there will have that info hope you get some sleep

  23. well i bet the longer you sleep the more calories you build up.  

  24. NO.your body olny needs 4-8 hours of sleep (rest) no matter what time of the day it is. Your body tells you when your tired and when it is done resting. I seem to me you get enough sleep, it would only effect your heath if your not getting enough.

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