
Is sleeping with your fathers young wife illegal?

by Guest59865  |  earlier

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How can it be? They are NOT blood related?

So for all you dudes that answered it dont know what your talking about..




  1. Its not illegal, its immoral and it makes them both lower than a worms belly.

  2. Im not sure, it might be illegal, technically she is your "Step mother". It seems gross.

  3. Is disgusting, harsh on your dad, and just all round wrong.

  4. Dunno about illegal , depending on which country you live in but it is very , very wrong indeed .

    They both need shot !

  5. why would u want to sleep with your dads wife thats pathetic and nasty hope he finds out then u will have no dad ppl like u are sick

    no its not illega and as u just said its not why ask  

  6. If she's not your mother, then it's not illegal. Bit weird though, but what the h**l, bally-ho!

  7. as long it is just "sleep" no. if sleep here means **** then it is illegal.

  8. Why would you sleep with a woman your dad did. I promise she will never leave him for you! Your dad will always be your dad. It is a very immoral thing to do.  

  9. I don't think its illegal, but its definitely wrong on so many levels. Best of luck to ya!

  10. no its not illegal if both parties are overage...but its wrong the same...because shes you step mother and its morally the wrong thing to do..

    if youre a minor then it is illegal...thats statutory rape..

  11. It is not illegal but it will ruin any relationship you ever had with your father

  12. It may not be illegal but I'm sure a judge would understand if your dad kicks your ***.

  13. Illegal?? No. But morally wrong? Of course!  

  14. you can tell your kids you did it with their grandma

  15. Now what would make you do a thing like that?

    AND, she obviously has no respect for herself, your dad or YOU.

    How low can you go?

  16. Of course it's not illegal.

    I think if the 16 year old can get it good luck to him.

  17. not illegal, but proper cause for your dad to take you out, make another one that looks just like you!!!!

  18. Not if shes also your Sister...........

  19. it's not illegal because you aren't blood relayed, it's illegal because she is married... and even if it wasn't it would still be morally wrong!!  

  20. I shouldn't think it is illegal but why the h**l would you want to do that to your dad??

    It's evil and disgusting. If anyone found out, it could destroy your whole family

  21. You can make all the excuses in the world young man but you have no morals at all.

    You are a very sick minded person and need to start looking at your life and put it in order.

  22. Are you going to sleep in front of the judge? .....No.

    Make sure your *** is covered just in case someone tries to blackmail you.

  23. No there is no legal standing between the two of you unless she adopted you. But who is bigger you or your dad? Who makes her feel better? Can she climax with you and not your dad?

  24. Not illegal but it doesn't say much for your morale character. Dont risk the bond with your father over something so small. Discuss it with her openly and establish a relationship that is beneficial to your father. Ruining his happiness will only bring you heart ache.

  25. I don`t understand.  You asked a question you knew the answer to...why waste the points?

    Not illegal but morally wrong.

    I`m not sure if you know what you are talking about let alone anyone else.

  26. It is considered adultery, Therefore a Divorce filed by your Father would be consented.

    It is also Immoral and shows the lack of Love from the Wife and son,toward the Father/husband.

  27. It's called adultery and it's illegal in 20 states, and in those jurisdictions where it's not, it does carry legal ramifications.

    However, if you're not married, you're not breaking the laws; she is, and if she's in one of those 20 states and they want to enforce it, they'll go for her.

    Other than that, it's just amoral and really sad.

  28. no just immoral

  29. It's not incest or illegal but its a horrible thing to do purely on moral grounds. Sometimes things you do that can hurt your family are worse than any prison sentence or criminal record because they will never ever trust you again. Your family is the most important thing in your life (in my opinion). Sexual partners will come and go but your family is always there.

  30. It's not illegal but its your fathers wife why would you want to mess up the relationship between them? Or why would you want to be with her when there are plenty of other women out there?  

  31. It's illegal, but not because she's your stepmom, but because she's married.

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