
Is smacking a 13 year old on the face abbousing?

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just asking




  1. Some will see it as abuse. If you hit a child in any way i dont agree with, but if the child just out right defies you, then i am going to pull his pants and underware down and give a spanking. I dont smack because i just think its wrong. spanking is only affective when they out right defie you.

  2. NO!

    The answers above are what is wrong with the world today.

    People do not dicipline their children anymore.

    30 yrs ago you could leave your doors unlocked and let your kids run around the neighborhood without fear.

    Children were diciplined and taught right from wrong and how to respect or fear adults and authority.

    Attitudes like these are why everything is so crazy now.

    I however do not agree with beating your child or anyone on that hand. But, diciplining and teaching your child to respect you and fear you (in a way) is not abuse.

    Think about it .. if you have ever listened to your parents or grandparents. In the past children were raised working their butts off and getting spankings.

    The world was much safer then and ran alot smoother.

    Great Question ..



  3. It's abuse when used in the wrong context. If you're smacking your child just because you're mad or if you take out your anger on your child or you're an alcoholic and when you get drunk you decide that you wanna beat up on your kids, then in my opinion that is considered abuse. But if there is a 13 year old with a smart mouth or disrespect their parents and elders or try to hit their parents, then they need to be smacked.

  4. According to CPS classes I had to take for Daycare working a spanking is ok if on a clothed bottom with the palm of your hand but hitting a child any other way is considered abuse.  If you hit a child on bare skin, with anything but the palm of your hand, leave a mark or cause severe pain it is abuse.  Now usually if you just did it once they will just say take a deep breath next time and think before you act but if you have a history of hitting your child or any child then they will investigate physical abuse and order anger management and maybe more.

  5. Yes, it is abuse and I would call child protective services if I knew someone did that.

  6. It seems like abbuse...

    But I don't believe it's "legally" considered abbuse.

    So sorry if u got b-slapped in the face! :'(

  7. Realize first and foremost that this is a question of opinion and that even if it is legally deemed to be abusive, that just means that that is the opinion of the majority of the people ruling the land in which you live.

    In my opinion, I think that the question of abuse is not one that should stop at looking at the act of discipline, but deeper into the intent.  In other words, why is it that the parent (or caregiver, or whatever) took this arguably extreme measure in disciplining this child?  Is it because the parent is short of temper and cannot control themselves?  Is it that the thirteen year old in question provoked the parent?  Was it for no perceivable reason at all?

    In most cases, parents are looking out for their children's best interests.  Obviously, this is not the universal scenario.  The question is, why did the parent do this and what did the child do to provoke this action?  Often times, a parent may be at their wits end with a child's behavior and physical intervention may seem like the only thing that has not worked.  In such a scenario, the parent is technically to blame because they are older and are supposed to be more responsible, but the child is certainly to blame for their own punishment.

    Without more information, this question is truly impossible to answer, but no matter which end of the spectrum you are on, I can only suggest that you dig deeper into the motivations for the actions rather than the actions themselves.



  8. i think alot of people would have different opinions on this. smacking a 13 year old on the face is wrong, and actually quite stupid. i would consider it physically abuse, myself. if i saw someone do that to a 13 year old i think i would turn around and take my chances on getting charged and smack that person upside the head three times harder and see how they like it. my opinion is that its just wrong, and immature.

  9. Maybe not physically,  but it's inappropriate whether the child is 3 or 13 or any age.  As an adult you should know better.  It may not leave physical marks but the damage you are doing to your child's emotional state is worse.

  10. It depends on what it is for.My son is 15.When he gives me hard time he gets in trouble but if he back talks me I will surely smack him.He is also bigger than Iam.That is really my only choice.My spankings dont have any effect on him anymore.I had to turn to something.He really hates it when I pop him in the mouth,But he stops doing what he got in trouble for.

  11. well it would depend.

    My sister told my mom to shut up when she was 13 once and she got a smack in the face.

    My mom would never hit us unless there was a real reason or a serious lack of respect. if it was just because the parent was taking out frustration for something that wasnt relevant, than that is unacceptable.

  12. No.  Abuse is something that causes severe physical or emotional damage.  

    A smack on the face, a spanking, making you stand in the corner, etc.  are not abuse.  They are parenting.

    Punching a child with a closed fist hard in the face would be abuse.  Hitting a child with a blunt object would be abuse.  A smack is not abuse.

  13. yes it is abbousing and thats not  cool and very mean 2

  14. It may not be as you say abbousing, but it is considered abusive. There was a time though when it was considered discipline.So now we can enjoy a bunch of undisciplined "monster children" running around,so that we wont be considered abusive.

  15. i'm 21, so it wasn't long ago when i was a 13 year old. mouthy and i was dis respectful to my parents. i said some stupid things to my parents and got smacked in the face, it's not abuse. i dont care what anyone says. depends on what was said. to be abuse would be being beaten on a regular basis. leaving marks, and hitting a child for no reason. it's authority, and apparently whoever has been smacked has a problem with authority. if their parents did it anyways. my family is def. against abuse, and my grandma has even smacked me in the face for getting too mouthy when i was a teenager. the law may look at it as, abuse, but when they hear the story, they may use their better judgement on how anything is settled. I don't believe you should smack any smaller children in the face, b/c it does start to take away their identity. but when kids are teenagers, they have lost all respect for their parents. i would say no. look up the laws where you live.

  16. hi i am 13 I've gotten beaten my whole life no it stopped but my life is still not good yes smacking a kid at all is child abuse and you can do serious time in jail for it if you ever need to talk contact me

  17. Need more details. If it's just a smack on the face and you deserved it (or they did), then no it's not abuse.

  18. Well, I feel like if a parent does something that leaves a black and blue mark or blood then it is abuse. If it does NOT leave bruises, blood, or marks then I don't think it is abuse. Degrading maybe, humiliating certainly. Chances are the parents will be paying for some therapy when that kid hits high school. If a parent doesn't have issues with what happens to adults of parents who were humiliating and degrading to them as children, that is pretty much there business (I may not agree with it but I don't want my tax dollars paying for foster care for over what could amount to a little wake up call to a very mouthy 13 year old...I don't know the whole story there and there are bigger fish to fry, like real pedophiles and murders...and gas prices). That's how I feel.

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