
Is small circle Jujitsu right for a 16 year old wanting to learn a practical self defence?

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Thanks in advance to all who answer my question!




  1. I do TaeKwonDo and we also learn some Brazilian Jujitsu it is very helpful and i do think it would help you.  It is easy to catch on and there are many good teachers and places to learn it.

  2. Yes its a very good art.

    Small circle ju-jitsu was conceived by wally Jay 10th dan who was also a high ranking dan at judo and got the idea from watching his mentor Ken Kawashi ( cant mind the spelling ) anyway he used small circles in judo and wally jay improved upon the idea.

    Btw: I have the book and three videos on small circle as I'm a fan.

    Best wishes :)***

  3. yes it is.

  4. I have studied both Japanese and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and have to say that yes both are good for self defense. I have read something about someone further modifying it and calling it "small circle", sorry can't remember who it was now. Assuming that they have kept the basics of jiu jitsu though, I would have to say yes.

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