
Is smoking cannabis compatible with your spiritual or religious values?

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I smoke moderately and I believe God (whoever he may be) put all kinds of plants on earth that can help people for a reason. I believe it opens your mind up to a fuller spiritual understanding.




  1. Ruth, how'd you get the K-Pro online?

    What I mean to say is, what generation are you from? PCP laced pot? Really?

    I say everyone(specify: adults) should be able to do whatever drugs they want.  Where does the government get off deciding anyhow?  If drugs make you commit crimes, than all the druggies will face justice anyhow right?  And if drugs were sold at stores, how would gangs/criminals finance their weapons?  Flipping burgers to buy bullets?  99% of criminals would go out of business right away.  Big crack would have to pay for anti-crack advertising, and could be dealt with as a legal entity. Why let uneducated trailer park residents cook meth when the job could go to a knowledgeable scientist?  Just the tax benefits would be enormous.

  2. Yep.

    Uh, ....could you repeat the question?

  3. You say, whoever he may be and then claim a higher spiritual understanding?

    Jeff even if you consider me delusional, If you believe that there is a God why would he not be available to you?

    I assure you God is real and is available to those who love and seek the truth.

    I would not say your judgment is clouded by weed but I would say that you are  not seeking his truth with all of your heart or you too would know him.

  4. No, we must be pure in mind and body like Mary, the Mother of Jesus.  She is Model of Purity and the perfect disciple of Jesus Christ.

  5. It's fine with a UU mentality, though personally I don't find any drugs attractive.

  6. Indeed it is.  Honestly, I have learned a lot about myself, my spirituality, and others while under the influence of cannabis.

  7. It's the basis of many religions and spiritual experiences. As well as other hallucinogens.

  8. No.  I believe that what may be opening your mind is the PCP it's laced with.  Pray you don't get caught, because it's illegal in the US.

    No, I'm not kidding, either.

  9. With that sort of logic, you probably also believe that God created wheat and barley so we could make beer.  Trying to rationalise your addiction by claiming it "opens your mind" is delusional.  You want to open your mind... try meditation.

    I'm a Pagan - I care not one jot what you do; providing you don't impact on anyone else.  So if you wanna smoke wackie tobaccy, that's your choice.  But please don't use the excuse that God created it especially so you can indulge yourself.  At least have the conviction to admit that you do drugs.  

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