
Is smoking dope a moral issue?

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I smoke marajawana frequently, but I am a good person, I can be a d**k but essentually I always make the right decisions, if you understand what I mean, but does the act of smoking dope itself make me a bad person?




  1. ummmmmmm, if your a good person, & make the right decision, then how come you smoke the dope?? That isnt making the right decision, nor is it making yo ua good person.

    Im a mom, & if I ever find otu my child is doing that c**p, I would bust him so bad, that c**p is NEVER allowed in my home.

    My mom raised me better then that. I have never tried any dope, & dont intend too,that  c**p can ruin your life.

    Plus, the fact, I have better things to spend my $$ on, like a bill, or rent!!! The real things  in life are more important, than a 3 min high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Get a life!

    Not only that, but there are places for when they hire you, they take a drug test, & some places dont do the urine test,they take a hair sample.

    Pot stays in your hair up to 6 months after you smoked it. So theres no way to cover that up!

  2. No, not at all... just don't let it become the reason you live and your fine

  3. Yes, it can be, insofar as a) it's illegal b) it can result in harm to others and c) it can result in harm to you.

    Personally, I'm not wild about calling self-inflicted harm a sin, but some do, which makes it a matter of moral debate. B seems to me the strongest moral issue here, but alcohol for one is worse and I don't think we're willing to become tea-totallers just so we can be perfect. Illegality is again certainly a moral issue, though in my case I think the moral thing is to break an unnecessary, costly, occasionally cruel nanny-state law. It's been years since I touched the stuff but I sure do *not* cede to a bunch of half-witted preachers, hypocritical politicains, and anal retentive cops the right to breathe down my neck!

  4. no way dude, the commandments don't say"thou shalt not smoketh, the sticky icky" you are morally in the clear.  Now legally...

  5. No, you're not a bad person.

    If a person has a few drinks, are they a bad person? What about cigarettes? Or too many donuts, or too much s*x? What about people who gossip too much, or shop beyond their financial means?

    Nearly everyone has a vice. Some of us smoke, others don't, but no one is perfect, not even the little mother up there, who wouldn't let "that c**p" in her house.

    All I can say is this: "Life happens."

    And as long as you're not out hurting anyone, what you do behind your doors is none of my d**n business! Smoke on, my man!

  6. No...some of us believe smoking doobies should be made legal.  It's a "legality" issue, not a "moral" issue.

  7. No, it makes you a very uninformed and mentally ill person. Much like the Alcoholic, you'll defend your Drug of choice and disregard all evidence that the sickness, side effects, and addiction, that this drug causes.

  8. medical weed is legal here for the local, state, and sheriff, only the feds still come to spoil the day, even with strict controls over distribution in place and taxing over the ID Cards in place. If the Feds would start to tax the medical use they might be able to buy a few more toys or pay for the War on Terror. And if they made it legal, like a bar usage, then they could pay off the deficit so moral no, legal yes, an issue for the stupid and weak of will, well so is drink. and drink kills more people a day. Good luck and keep your smolke from getting outside where the feds will smell it.

  9. Its a legal issue not a moral one.  The cop that will bust you doesn't care if you're healing blind people and walking on water.  The bottom line is that it is not legal and you must be prepared for the consequences if you get nailed.

  10. no..

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