
Is smoking helpful in stress?

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Is smoking helpful in eliminating stress? If yes, how long ?




  1. yeah it helps if you are addicted

    if you dont smoke, it may just make you dizzy and stuff & its not really enjoyable

    if you do smoke its awesome and calming cause youre satisfying your craving at the same time

    running or any other type of excersize works even better

    i smoke & I run a lot when i'm stressed & it helps but definitely the excersize is more effective

  2. it helps just for a moment...about 10-15 mins.

    overall not good for hurts within.your lungs and heart gets bad effects.nicotines and other chemicals actually destroys your internal organs.smoking reduces oxygen level in the brain.thatz why when u inhale the cigarette smoke,you feel dizzy for a while.this oxygen reduction is very bad for the brain cells.

    in long term,your cognitive abilty reduces very badly,by the time you are 30+ of age.

    other very bad effects are your mental functions,like focusing and concentration.these too are affected in a long run.your errection too will be reduces sexual loss and thinning of hair.unhealthy skin conditions.breathing problems....always gasping for alot of air when doing heavy works...or even climbing stairs.

    memory will slowly become bad.

    summary : DON'T SMOKE !!! VERY BAD FOR HEALTH !!!

                  : good multivitamin rich in vitamin B's or mental herbs like

                    Ginkgo Biloba,Gotu Kola gives extra mental ability to  

                    combat stress naturally.Regular exercise also helps alot.

                    Add these to your life.Cut smoke at once !!! Act now!!!

                    I was a smoker for 12 years.Very bad smoker.I have quit for the last

                    3 years.Somehow! Am happy now without it!

  3. Yes, nicotine causes your body to release natural opiates -- endorphins and enkaphalins -- which have a calming effect. The effect is most pronounced effect right after you've had one. It starts to wear off maybe half an hour later, and you want another. One of the things that makes smoking appealing in this context is that you can choose to have a cigarette when the stress occurs. Note, though, that smoking can also increase the incidence of anxiety disorders, which is precisely the opposite of what you want. And of course it carries other baggage with it. If there were something that did the same thing without the health effects, I'd use it in a second . . .

  4. no it increases your heart rate.

    to help in stressfull situations I do square breathing; breathe in till the count of 4, hold till the count of 4, breath out for 4, hold for 4, repeate. i do this to fall asleep its so relaxing

  5. No.

    Don't smoke.  Unless, of course, you want to get cancer, emphysema, and lung disease.  And smell.  Yeah, if you want you and your clothes to smell really bad and you want to get really sick and die younger than you otherwise would, go ahead and smoke.

    Otherwise, try talking to friends and loved ones about your stress.  If it's really bad, talk to your doctor.  Stress can be bad for you; smoking will make things worse.

  6. yes, but in the end it ends up doing worse than what stress would.

    and not very long, after a few minutes it'll come back and make you want another one.

  7. smoking marijuana helps alot! but our society doesn't accept it...

  8. no because even if it did help you in any way it would kill you in others. like emphasymea and lung cancers and such, the best way to elimate stress would to relax and read a book, or do something that takes your mind off of the stressful situation.

  9. it will elimintate stress but then you will get an addiction then you will have to use money to feed that addiction then u will be even more stressed over the fact that u dont have money

  10. Ok, despite all the obvious health concerns that I'm sure we're all aware of at this point, I often smoke around midterms and finals. Luckily, even when I've been smoking for a couple months at a time i've never had too many problems with quitting. However, different people become addicted more easily others. The reason I mention this, is that although many people do find temporary relief of stress by smoking (sometimes a few hours) the anxiety associated with addiction can cause "latent stress", which can actually be worse than the initial stress which you are trying to releive.

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