
Is smoking one of the factors of causing global warming?

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Is smoking one of the factors of causing global warming?




  1. Yes, if you mean smoking volcanoes.

    There are probably not enough people sticking burning leaves in their mouths to make a difference in global warming.

    And... the carbon from the tobacco comes from the atmosphere!

  2. Global warming is just as real as unicorn farms.

  3. No, not to an appreciable degree. Despite what the credulous say here, global warming is not in dispute among scientists. However, when you burn tobacco, you're burning a plant. When the new crop of tobacco grows, it takes the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere again and incorporates the carbon into its structure. So the carbon gets recycled rather than just accumulating in the atmosphere as it does when you burn oil and coal. There is some contribution to warming -- it takes energy to harvest tobacco and make cigarettes, and at some point the carbon is in the atmosphere -- but it's minor compared to the contribution of fossil fuels.

  4. Are you joking? Did Al Gore tell you that?

  5. i belive so. and you should STOP IT  anyways. because its BAD for YOU!

  6. Well of course. Any harmful substance released in the air causes Global Warming (mostly Carbon Dioxide),breathing causes Global Warming, driving, working out, & etc.

  7. Global warming is heating tempature in our atmosphere causing the icecaps to melt,also causing af hole in the ozone layer.The only warming you'd recieve from a cigaret is you and your mouth.

  8. believe it or not one volcanic eruption puts out as much pollution as ALL humans in a years time. The earth is on a natural cycle humans may have sped that up slightly but not enough to make a large impact. Many believe we have "killed" the planet but the truth is it is still developing. It will always change until the end of time. We can't stop it.  

  9. Yes it is not a huge factor but all of the human wastefulness is part of climate destruction. It takes factories and trucks and various other things to produce and distribute the cigarettes and then the actual smoking does cause a little bit. It is not like the old days when smoking was a ritualistic thing, like the peace pipe and most of the tobacco smoked is not grown and used by the same person in their own personal or community garden it is produced on a big farm and it takes lots of equipment that uses a lot of gas which in turn produces CO2. I could go on but I think or at least hope you get the point

  10. Surely it doesn't help to cool the place down.

  11. I doubt it.....volcanic activity and fossil fuels definitely give off far more smoke than cigarettes do.

  12. Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore warned hundreds of U.N. diplomats and staff on Thursday evening about the perils of climate change, claiming: Cigarette smoking is a “significant contributor to global warming!” (

    i guess so...personally i think that smoking is a small contributer and is not as huge of an issue as they are making it out to be in the article. I think we should focus more on cars and public transportation rather than trying to get everyone to stop smoking (becuase they have been trying that for years).

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