
Is smoking weed a sin? if so read what i have to say...

by  |  earlier

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if smoking weed would be a sin what does it say about jesus when he took some wine to the head? alcohol is considered a drug right? since it does take you out the "right state of mind"... whats the answer without contridicting what i ask?




  1. If you want to further damage the synapses in your slightly skewed brain, possibly reaching the point of no return then continue to smoke it. Now to prove my point, you are asking this question in the Environmental section instead of R&S. You are comparing legal with illegal drugs in the environmental section. So, without contradicting what you are saying, your thinking is up in smoke right now.

  2. Put it this way. Weed is a plant right? It is not man made so therefore  it is one of God's creations. I mean I don't recommend you smoke it. But, back in the day you could make rope etc out of it, and what do you think was in the indians peace pipe??  I would say it is not a sin, but it will ruin your brain cells, so just don't do it...

  3. To begin with what was considered wine in those days was little more than lightly fermented grape juice and there is a lot of controversy about the wine story because Jesus and James at least were considered nazerites from the womb and rehabites as well. Both of these Jewish groups considered the use of any alcohol to lower a person’s ability to communicate with god. So I at least feel he probably did not use any form of wine himself. As to MJ I have lost a few friends to its use over the years from doing very stupid things when high. Almost as many as have died from abusing alcohol. Plus pot use in general can lead to damage to learning ability with most people. Safer to not use things that can cause problems downstream, smoking is bad enough, pot and others are more damaging yet.

  4. I think there will never be a dependable answer to that question. It is all based on people's judgement. Most of the people that have never smoked marijuana, picture it as a life-ruining drug, therefore they consider it a sin. Those type of people, i've learned, rarely show respect for marijuana smoker's and so, of course, their going to say it's a sin. And for people that smoke marijuana, they will most likely support the idea of it not being a sin. Well, I think God put marijuana on this Earth to help people with hard time's in their life and hopefully to later discover other way's to help mankind with this so called "drug". Current studie's have already shown that it could fight alzheimer's disease, in which there is no cure for, also it may prevent breast cancer. And marijuana has never had a recorded death. I believe plenty of people have died because of decisions they've made while under the influence, but all that is, is irresponsibility, you should be safe when you smoke. But look it up... If anything, It is healthy to smoke marijuana. Do some research. The majority of people that smoke marijuana and also the authority, have created the image of what it is today, which, I can agree... isn't all that great. And don't say it kills the brain and make's people stupid. I've been smoking it recreationally for quite a while and i can focus on anything I need to and i'd say it's probably made me a better person. If marijuana had been legal, I guarantee, most of these people that look down on smoker's would be smokin it up daily. I'm going to go with the idea of it not being a sin. I mean, if God was really against it, it would be clear in the bible. He doesn't have you guess if something is a sin or not. The 10 commandments make every sin clear to man so you won't sin against God. I don't think a church-going, bible-reading, god-worshipping marijuana smoker will be damned to h**l because of a plant. Didn't expect all those big words from a "stoner" did ya? :) have a nice day.

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