
Is smoking weed really that bad for you?

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Is smoking weed really that bad for you?




  1. "Marijuana is considered a gateway drug. It is considered to be a stepping stone to more dangerous drugs. It is undoubtedly terrible for your lungs. One average size "joint" does as much damage to your lungs as an entire pack of cigarettes.

    Consider the reason you want to smoke marijuana? Why would you want to do that to your body?"

    That is completely false.  More children and teens try cigarettes and alcohol before they try marijuana, so which one is the true gateway?  Most potheads are only that, potheads.  They dont go on to try heroine, meth, or any "hard" drugs. One average size "joint" does NOT do as much damage to your lungs as an entire pack of cigarettes, not even close.  Tobacco companies add chemicals to cigarettes to make them more addictive and taste better but untreated weed in white unbleached paper is worse for you?  you REALLY need to look at this site

  2. Physically, no -- it causes some harm to your lungs but it hasn't been shown to increase the death rate or cause cancer.

    As a drug, I'd say it's less harmful than alchohol, but alcohol can be pretty d**n harmful, so . . . I mean, no one ever ended up on skid row from smoking pot. The main problems with pot are that about 15% of the population finds it addictive, and that if they smoke it regularly some people become stoner types who are lazy and turn into idiots. I'm not sure why that happens to some people and not to others. Also, despite what someone said here, it's a serious gateway drug. Not if you use it casually, but if you use it all the time you'll end up hanging out with other potheads and you *will* try harder drugs. Been there, done that, seen it many, many times.

  3. FROM A MEDICAL STAND POINT I SEE MARIJUANA not as a gateway drug, like a few before me I feel alcohol is the gateway drug. Many people (incl. myself) have only tried drugs while intoxicated!!!

    As a ER nurse, I would much rather take care of a stoner than a crackie. Weed makes your heart beat 15 points faster and drops your blood pressure by 10 points and makes the patient paranoid and a little hungry but nothing serious happens. I have never seen a patient OD on weed, they go to sleep. On the other hand, I have seen drunk teens and adults intubated many times because of alcohol OD.

    Marijuana also helps with sleep, anxiety disorders, pain, chemo nausea and aids in creativity and productivity if not abused. Personally, i feel marijuana has many medical uses and like any other drug can become addictive. Take caffeine for instance, it cause stomach ulcers, is a diuretic, cause jittering and addiction and is bad for you. Smog is bad for you. Potato chips are bad for you. Get my drift...HOWEVER THE BAD THING ABOUT POT IS GETTING DRUG-TESTED, that can't happen with coffee. lol.

    Hope you all enjoyed my say....

  4. Cant say how been doing it for years. Still not a heroin Addict !  

  5. Marijuana is considered a gateway drug.  It is considered to be a stepping stone to more dangerous drugs.  It is undoubtedly terrible for your lungs.  One average size "joint" does as much damage to your lungs as an entire pack of cigarettes.

    Consider the reason you want to smoke marijuana?  Why would you want to do that to your body?

  6. "Not if you use it casually, but if you use it all the time you'll end up hanging out with other potheads and you *will* try harder drugs. Been there, done that, seen it many, many times."

    Wow, such an ignorant statement. So because YOU did it every single other person that smokes marijuana is gonna go on to harder drugs?  Did you smoke a cigarette or have a drink of alcohol before you ever did Marijuaua like estrato002 said?  I smoke, i know a LOT of potheads (all arent sterotypical at all, a lot of professional types), and guess how many I know that have tried harder drugs?  One.  Thats right, a single one.  And he was drinking and trying harder stuff before he ever even smoked weed.  Guess what other "drugs" Ive done?  NOTHING.  After 5 years of smoking weed I only still smoke weed.  Just because you did something stupid many times doesnt mean the rest of the marijuana smoking population is gonna do the same.  IF YOU DONT WANT TO DO HARDER DRUGS YOU DONT HAVE TO.  Weed didnt cause you to do harder drugs, you did.

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