
Is soccer player Joey Barton redeemable ? ?

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I will try to ask this with an unbiased heart but if truth be known the bloke shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a football pitch, let alone squad of team mates.

If Kevin Keegan had faith in him, surely then ppl ought to entertain the fact that he may one day make amends for his foul antics etc.

The savage beating of a team mate at his former club Man City,sounds like afray - these kind of things happen in daily life amongst the public, ppl have punch ups daily.

Whilst hes not the anti christ, hes certainly no santa claus for the children either.

Joey Barton - does he get your thumbs up or thumbs down ?




  1. To ban Barton from football totally would leave a fairly rich, unhinged, aggressive young man with not a great deal to do with his time. Don't think this would be a great thing for society in general. Maybe given one last chance and it really needs to be a last one he will become a more rounded person. Only time will tell. Personally I doubt it though.

  2. I reckon he should never be allowed to grace a football pitch again but i will stop short of any name calling as that's just childish

  3. the guy is a maniac,this is not the right kind of message to our up and coming players. thumbs down n boot him out.

  4. He's scum and should be banned from professional football for the rest of his life-before he kills someone(just like his racist brother did!).

    St.Jude(the patron saint of lost causes) would even give up on him.

    Send him to the front line in Afghanistan and we'll see how 'hard' he is.

  5. The guy is scum he should be barred for life

    edit - oh and some other things he has done

    1 - stubbed a cigar out in the eye of a youth team player

    2 - beat up a 17 year old Everton fan

    3 - laid into and beat the c**p out of a bloke laying on the floor

    4 - Nearly killed a Manchester City player with a tackle that wouldnt have looked out of place on WWE

    He is the whole epitomy of a dirty chav who has got lucky in life and is now an arrogant w*nker who needs knee capping i LOATHE the man and hope he gets his comeuppance

  6. i saw footage of the attack and he still continued to kick and beat the man while he was on the ground..if anyone of us had attacked someone at our place of work we would be sacked..i'm all for 2nd chances but 3rd 4th and 5th chances i don't think so..he is an arrogant wee sod who thinks he's it...thumbs down from me

  7. I have no time for Joey Barton.  His behaviour has been inexcusable on numerous occasions.

  8. Joey Barton will find himself at Rangers soon, and if he wants to be a 'hard man' up here hel end up getting bottled and smacked around a bit. He wouldnt last long up here, on and off the park

  9. well a thumbs down from me buddy. you can forgive ppl for making a mistake in life but when re-offending over and over then that is just unforgivable.... he should be disregarded from any football period!!!! Football is about love not sheer brutality

  10. Some behaviour just cant  be forgiven. Barton has shown no remorse for the acts of thuggery he has inflicted on people, he has a arrogant thug mentality, so No enough is enough. he should be sin died from all football.

  11. Look what John Hartson done to Eyal Berkovitch,serious assault or what,all forgotten,I think because of the money players are on now they should set a better example,is this not Bartons 2nd offence,cigar in someones eye ? ,I may be its a thumbs down from me

  12. No, ban him he is a scumbag.

  13. I think he should actually have spent longer in jail, let alone footballing punishment.

    How many chances do you give somebody, in my opinion he's had far too many already and were not talking about petty little misdemeanours, every occassion has been for physical violence.

    A 6 match ban, with 6 suspended is a feckin joke, for what he done. The FA really needs to take a long hard look at it's self, it bans Rio Ferdinand for missing a drugs test for 8 months, bans Eric Cantona for about 9 months for a moment of provoked madness and UEFA ban Adrian Mutu for takin some charlie for a whole season, yet this inbred little ******** gets a 6 match ban for kicking the living shite out of somebody, really doen't seem to add up to me.

  14. thumbs down footballers are supposed to be role models well hes not setting a very good example is he the scumbag

  15. He is scum and was past redemption long ago. When NFL star Michael Vick was found to be INVOLVED in dog fighting, he was sentenced to jail (some of his fans and neutrals found it harsh)! Joey Barton for all his crimes barely got his feet wet. He should still be in prison.

  16. It is funny people judge him on what he has done in society, but i know many many people of the same mentality, and they have disorders that need seeing to from professional people who deal in that field..It may not be his fault he is that way, he may of had a violent up-bringing, he may of been bullied, and this is his way reacting to that, like i say he needs help, possibly medication, people need to look deeper in to why people like him do such things, if it is just mindless violence then fine..

  17.   this guy and all his family, are all racist thugs,and deserve all that is coming to them.

  18. The fact that he's still allowed to play is ridiculous

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