
Is society becoming more rude on the road?

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Is society becoming more rude on the road?




  1. Oh yes - most definitely, especially those with SUV's that think they own the road and thinking they have every right in the world to cut you off or pull out in front of you.

    I had a guy last week that was behind me at a stop street.  I proceeded to go and he honked at me, then as I pulled into the gas station, he pulls in, passes me in the parking lot and screams at me and I have NO clue as to what he was screaming about.  I had my signal on to turn into the gas station and didn't do anything out of the norm.  I can only guess that he didn't 'get any' from his girfriend or wife the night before, so I wound up being the one that he took out his 'fustration' on!

  2. that will happen when roads are made for a certain size car and SUV's are larger then they should be, taking up too much room, using too much fuel.

    In addition, people are more aggressive in chasing the dollar by traveling farther from home to make 50 more cents an hour, so they are on the roads longer and are more frustrated.

  3. yes, yes aaaaaaaaaand yes.

  4. Yes. Just today I had someone speed by me going at least 15 miles over the speed limit and then they lost control of their car and HIT ME. His excuse was that his buddy just bought some beer and he needed to get "his" share.

    I have noticed that some races do it more than others. I will not mention more that that.

  5. definately lol

  6. I don't know, but I notice people, that even when I'm in the fast lane and going 3 to 5 MPH over the speed limit, people will still tailgate me.  Especially in rush hour, because they are selfish and don't want anyone else to come in the fast lane in front of them.  I will say this though to answer your question from one perspective; sprawl may be a factor in this, which results in greater commute times, and possibly more speeding more aggressive driving to make better timing to get from one place to another.

  7. When I took Driver's Ed. a few years ago, we were taught that the first rule is the comfort and safety of our passengers and the seond rule was courtesy to our fellow drivers.  Some may call me a wimp, but I yield or offer yield

    everytime: It not only speeds things up actually, but kinda rubs a little courtesy off, that magically permeates that section of the road like a sweet perfume.  

    Okay, give us a break --  but it works.

  8. Oh, yes, very much so.

  9. ~~~Yes!  The terrible traffic conditions, long commutes, and drivers who don't understand the rules of the road (slow drivers stay to the right!), have all added up to frustrated drivers who blow their tops after me pushed too far. It will just get worse too as more people keep pouring in to our country and government isn't investing in our infrastructure!~~~

  10. Yes! More traffic, more congestion, less money, more miles to get to anywhere. Can u imagine 10 yrs from now.

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