
Is society elastic in nature?

by  |  earlier

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what i mean is does it shift from one extreme to another? for example if you take life in the 40's it was very conservative and morals was an important issue . Nowadays its shifted to an open society where things are taken for granted with no limit to what we even watch on tv.

Will society break down laws to the point we are having sx on the street like dogs and cats and eventually find that enough is enough and then laws would be restore in a moral way with social-conservatism society again. I hope i am making my question clear enough.

Your thoughts please.




  1. Society is a changing entity indeed but I would not call it "elastic" since you are implying a specific direction which according to your hypothesis could "bounce back" following the same line.

    Society might have opened in certain issues but it has closed in others. Rules change, but they do not disappear. Change always follows new directions. Also values vary within specific social groups but not all groups change them in the same way.

    I agree some people would like to see the "good old days" come back, but even today's conservatives aren't exactly the same as yesterday's.

  2. Just like a OLD pair of tidy whitey's.

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