
Is solar energy a vaiable and cost effective option in Chennai, India. To what extent can it be used.?

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I live in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, South India. There is enough sun shine almost through the year.




  1. ya solar energy is one of the best option today for energy on small to large any scale.....

    in chennai it can give its best ....

    it can be used there at large scale and i think it has been using there i many organisations also....

    and now can u please tell me the meaning of RITTIKA and NIKITA...

    i have searched about it a lot on net..

  2. i live in enegry a vaible and cost is very useful to all the people.

  3. it is not only viable and cost effective in Chennai, India. It is everywhere. As the energy resources are limited, alternate energy resources are of great help. It depends on you to what extent you want to use it.

  4. since chennai has only three season's hot,hotter and the hottest so u can effectively use sunshine as a source of energy solar panels r the best and next best thing about chennai is that it has the sea so it is quite breezy during the evenings so u can even use wind as a source of energy along with solar panels do try windmills,instead of using the regular windmills like those of the ceiling fan type get to know about the modern windmills

  5. Though it is always hot in chennai, there are many who use heaters. Solar heaters are a good substitute. But the irony is, this is not marketed to a great extent and so the awareness is very less.

  6. ryt657ecxrtry

  7. In Hyderabad, whom to contact?

  8. Why in chennai,  it is almost vible in entire India except north east where most of the days are cloudy.   however presently it may not be cost effective as solar pannel are quite costly.  once India start producing cheap solar pannel,   it will be most used energy in India.   why cheap,  it will be free of cost.  A moter vehicle owner only know how hot is a car when it is park under sunlight in summer.  so why not use this energy to run the car?

  9. absolutely solar energy can b used in chennai almost all 300 days are too hot summer and it can be converted to energy. the Govt has to take initiative steps to implement.

  10. yes it is cost effective.

  11. Yes, solar power would be a great thing and also you should check the wind speeds in your area for wind power.  Second, you should also consider "solar hot water heating systems."  This is a very good system that will reduce your bill by 30% alone.

    I would recommend you to go solar hot water heating first and than get a small photovoltaic system for your home.  Also check your city and federal laws to see if they provide grants or some kind of financial assistance for doing this transition.  

    Good Luck

  12. has immense potential considering the almost uninterrupted supply of sun's rays that it receives...infact the Tamil Nadu govt. should take some steps in utilizing this free energy to suit the human needs...

    a lot can be done in this regard...

    to start with..

    govt could ask its citizens to build their house more eco friendly and energy saving...

    utilizing solar geysers, cookers...and various other equipments required for day 2 day needs...and that are easily available in the markets...

    govt cud as well set up a small industry producing these equipments and employ poor or tribal people for their upliftment...

    govt should reduce taxes on import of hbrid equipments like solar cars...which would encourage people 2 buy them...

    this could as well b tapped for producing electricity through steam generation...

    lots can b dun...jus dat a spark is needed!!

  13. it can be done but he goverment shud be ready naa...........u'r south-indian goverment is very conjuce

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